A Quirk and No Quirk (4)

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Chisaki's pov
"This doctor has been taking to long to get his assistants." I thought to myself as I looked around his work place. " Tch his little student hold a virus I don want that child helping me. "  My train of thought was put to a halt when the doctor came in.  As I was about to speak I see he enters with a pety young woman.
Her hair was lose reaching a bit below her shoulder she also had a small pony tail at the end. A nice (H/c). Her eyes were a nice (E/c) color. Freckles decor her slightly chubby face giving her an innocent look.  She wore a black turtle neck sweater that hug her curves making per chest pop in a decent manner and not perverse way. Blue jeans hugging her thighs and bright red shoes.

I was lost in words at this woman but soon face the doctor. "So is she the one helping you out today ?" The doctor nodded as he nudge the woman to speak. She faced me and bowed slightly. Her voice was so soft and kind.

"Im Midoriya (Y/n) , pleasure to meet you. "  I nodded in reply. 

"Chisaki Kai, like wise " She may be a beautiful woman but. " Excuse me Ms. Midoriya but do you perhaps have a quirk ?". She just shook her head.

"Please call me (Y/n) and no im quirkless." Ok she's my ideal woman but the doctor what's j's relationship with her? She soon face the doctor as he started to speak.

" You came here for a reason and from what you said on the phone its for a check up." He looks slighly peeved but continued. " You do know im a surgeon doctor who ask for a high price in money right? " I stared at him with a bland look .

"You are a quirkless doctor right ? Then that's all I need.  " I give a side glance at (Y/n)  who held a clip board staring at the doctor. I slightly clench my fist. " Ill pay whatever money you want me to just for you can be my personal doctor with the help of your lovely assistant "  Dr. BlackJack just sign and motion his assistant closer to view her clip board.

I could see she slightly blush being near him. " Are you sure about that? " I only nodded in agreement making him sigh and he motion (Y/n ) to get something. She came back with his black bag that held his utensils. 

"Any questions or suggestions  ?" (Y/n) question. I only shook my head in denial. Dr.Blackjack stared with my check up and asking me questions.  I really didn't pay much attention as I stared at the (H/c) haired woman.  Who was writing my replies.

He was soon finish and (Y/n) soon check my blood pressure. She lifted my sleeve a bit more.  Her dainty hands wrapped around my hand as fix the arm band. She soon check my blood pressure but I didn't pay much attention to that.  Her long eyelashes semi covered her beautiful (E/c) colored eyes. Plum pink lips parted slightly and freckles decoration her (S/T) colored cheeks.  I was so hypnotized that I didn't realize she was finish. 

" The blood pressure seems normal but it did elevated a bit. " (Y/n) said as she stared at the doctor. Who only shrugs it off saying its fine.

"Well that's about it. " He hands me a paper.  " That will be your total. " I looked at the paper to see that it was. 30,256 yen and below it said something. 

"A little extra for checking out my assistants "

I stared at him as he talked to her.  He glance at me and gave me a slight glared but continue to pack his stuff with (Y/n) .  I walked over to him with a case with money , and handing it to him.

" Here " He grabbed it and handed it to (Y/n) who held her hands out. He putted it on top and open it up , he saw the cash and gave a close eye smirk.

"Pleasure making business with you" He held the case again.

"Hope to see you again Chisaki." (Y/n) said as she smiled at me. Dr.Black jack went out the door leaving us alone. 

"Well we can-" I was cut off by the door swinging.  A fluffy ball of fur launch himself at (Y/n) .

"MOMMY " The fur ball yelled out hugging (Y/n) upper half. She laugh as she held the boy up right.

"Wait mommy? .... She's a mother? "I thought to myself as she held the boy who giggled as (Y/n) gave him pecks on his face .
"Shit she's married" I was about to ask her that question , but she left, leaving me alone in the room.

(Y/n) pov
"Zuku did you have fun today with Pinoko? " I question my son as he clutch himself on me. He nodded and smiled. 

"Yea we played doctor and heroes. "  Izuku then move his hands around. " Pinoko was acting like you and Dr.Black jack and I was Like All Might.  I laugh as he tried to act out what he did today.

"I feel like I left something behind. " I thought to myself but then shrug it of.  "Maybe it wasn't that important " . 

"(Y/n) did you leave a patience in my work place again? " Dr. Black jack said.  I turn around to face him to see him slightly give me a teasing smile.  I laugh nervously as I put down Izuku and rub the back of my head.

"I think I did, sorry sir. "

He sigh and Pinoko climbed on his lap. " I prefer him being forgotten humph " Pinoko said as she cross her arms and pouted. I tilted my head in confusion. As I was about to ask her why Chisaki apeard. 

" Ill be taking my leave. Ill see you soon.  " He looked at me.  "See you later dear. " with that he left.  Black Jack laugh slightly as he looked at me. 

"Seems to me like you have an admire (Y/n)". That slightly made be blush but I shook my head in denial.

"No no no , he was just being polite. " but he continued

" You're a lovely lady no wonder you have people falling for you. " I blew a fuse my face was red. Izuku looked at me and smiled.

" yea yea mommy is that l-l-lobeli she's pretty too. " My heart clench at that soon Pinoko spoke. 
" Yea im pretty sure the doctor liked you too ". She said as she smiled making both me and Black jack blush. 

"PINOKO!!!! " Black jack slightly yelled.  I was red as a tomato soon I pick up Izuku and slightly bowed my head towards Dr. Black jack.

"W-well ill s-see you s-s-oon. Goodday bye" with I slightly ran at a semi fast pace towards the door grabbing my sweater.  Hearing Black jack argue a bit with Pinoko who seemed to tease him more.

I left the house bumping into a silver hair male I appolizes quickly as I entered the car Izuku on my lap. I soon set him in the back buckling him up and toss my sweater in the pasanger seat. I turn on the car and drove off.

"Now where do we go know kid? " as soon as I said that both our stomachs rumbled making us both laugh.

" Lunch then can we go to the beach and walk around mom" Izuku said. I nodded in reply. 

" Let's leave the car home and will walk to get lunch im a bit lazy to cook right now. " He hummed in reply.

Mother Midoriya [ (Y/n) Midoriya x Hero/Villains ]Where stories live. Discover now