15-jealousy, jealousy

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A/N: yes, I did title this chapter the name of an Olivia Rodrigo song. It worked so well that I couldn't not title it that. If you have anything against Olivia, please kindly don't leave rude comments about her because I will be personally offended. Anyways that's all I have to say rn.
I wake up feeling like hell.

What happened?

I can't remember anything from last night after dancing with Kai.

Oh fuck.

Oh shit.

Oh fucking shit.

What if I told someone about the day while drunk?

No. Even drunk me would never do that.

I peel my eyes open to see Aiden sitting at the edge of my bed.

I groan at the bright room.

"Oh! Your awake!" He hands me two Advil's and a glass of water. "Take these and then finish the glass. Are you the right temperature? Is it too cold? I'm a little cold, I'll turn the heat up for you." He has his worried "older" brother look.

"I'm fine. I'm the right temperature I mean. I'm not fine at all." I groan while downing the Advil.

My head is pounding.

This must be what hell feels like.

"Is there anything I can get for you?" He asks. "Are you hungry? There's miso soup downstairs and I can hear some up for you." I was starving.

"Yeah that sounds good." He starts to leave the room but I call his name.

"Wait, what happened last night?" I question, seriously concerned about what I could have done or said.

"Do you not remember anything?" He asks.

"I remember me and Kai dancing, and then nothing after that."

"Well you came into the kitchen and downed who knows how many weed brownies." My eyes widen. "You said how I'm the best brother ever, called Ashton hot, had a heart to heart with Kailey, and then Ash took you home and apparently you feel asleep in the car and he had to carry you inside while you were completely unconscious." He sums up my last night.

"That's not as bad as it could have been.." I trail off, "Where's Ashton now?" I question.

"He went home after he called me saying you were safely in bed." Of course, why would he stay?

"Ok." He gives me a concerned look before exiting my room to heat me up some soup.

If I didn't tell them anything too revealing then that's all that matters.

I didn't tell Ashton about anything.

Aiden doesn't know the truth about that day.

That's all that matters.

I start to sit up and reach for my phone which is on my nightstand.

I answer a bunch of texts from Kailey about whether I made it home. Noticing quite a few texts from a probably wasted Kai.

I see a group chat that was just made with Me, Aiden, Leila, Kailey, Jay, Kai, and Ashton.

Fuckboy and/or art boy-I say we hang out today, everyone down?
Lee-Lee crazy bitch 🔪-sure, I wanna get my mind off my hangover
Me-still dead rn but I can after I eat and drink some real water
bro 😎-I can come
K my Wifey 💍🥰-same but what time? details?
Jay the Gay-half an hour sound good?

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