Chapter 5

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My dad took it hard. The news that both of his kids were 'monsters'. I took the fact he called us monsters to heart. I told Derek about it and he made me feel better about the situation.

"Your not a monster! Your a warewolf! Like me! And besides even if you were a monster doesnt mean you do monstrous things!" He told me.

"Mom any news about stiles yet?" I ask. I've been worried sick the past few days. Stiles went missing. We havent found him yet and its fucking terrifying.

"Nothing yet sweety. Ill tell you as soon as we know!" She sighs. Me and Scott hop on our bikes and go to school. Of course! Just my luck. Mine breaks down 10 minutes away. I park it on a parking spot on the street and hop over a bunch of fences.

"Walking today Beth?" Erica shouts as Dereks car slows down beside me.

"My fucking bike broke down!" I yell. Im pissed off. I payed good money for that shitty bike.

"Want a ride little tike?" She asks.

"No i can walk!" I roll my eyes. "Besides we are only 5 minutes away and im not going to show up on time for class!" I laugh.

"See you in five little tike!" She says. I walk to school and as soon as i get in my ears start ringing. Its one if those fancy gadgets that Argent uses. I look at Ethen and Aiden. The hear it too. So does Erica, Issac, Scott and Boyd. I run towards the sound to shut it off.

"Beth?" A voice says.

"Stiles?" I gasp. Aiden and Ethan run in after me.

"Guys i swear its me!" He says. They go to attack him so i punch Aiden in the stomach. The two double over and i stare at Stiles.

"Whats going on with you?" I yell. "Its like i dont even know you anymore!"

"Beth! He is getting taken over by something!" Scott says.

"Someone!" Stiles corrects. He explains everything that had happened over the past few days and we all panic. We rush to the track where everyone will be racing.

"Coach!" I shreik!

"Beth?" He glares at me. "Stilinski!" He yells.

"Coach we dont have much time!" Stiles says.

"We're going to stop them!" I tell Stiles. Me and everyone else chase down the people in front. Ethan gets Danny. Scott gets Kira. I go up further and anyone who comes up i stop.

"Dont move!" Stiles shouts as him and coach get closer. He finds a chain in the ground and cautiously pulls it.

"Congratulations Stilinski! You found a lenght of chain!" Coach laughs then he steps forward.

"Coach no!" Me and Scott yell at the same time i go to jump infront of coach but its too late. An arrow penetrates his stomach. I quickly get down beside him and i take his hand. Scott puts pressure on the wound.

"Call 911!" I scream at Greenburg. He quickly takes his phone and calls.

"Coach!" I say. "Coach stay awake!" I shout.

"Im going to die!" He shreiks.

"No! You wont! I wont let you! Neither will anyone else!" I tell him and he squeezes my hand to the point ill need someone else to take my pain. I take most of coaches pain and he looks at me and his eyes widen.

"What are you doing? What are you?" He glares. I go down close to his ear.

"Im a warewolf and im taking your pain away!" I whisper. He smiles and raises a silencing finger to his lips. I nod and he looks back up to the sky. He took that well. I love coach. He is my favourite teacher. I hope he doesn't die. The ambulance arrives and coach is taken away.

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