Chapter Three

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"It's been three days Georgia you need to get your distraught butt out of this bed before I forcefully drag you to therapy!" My mother's shrill voice pierced through my skull, making me cringe, and left a dull throb in its wake.

All of my pillows were messily dumped in a corner near the foot of my bed, leaving it completely bare save for my half-on, half-off fitted sheet that was crinkled with days of none stop twisting and turning. My plush, white comforter was situated near the foot of my bed, and resembled an oversized strait jacket that was haphazardly tangled around every nook and cranny of my body.

With my entire body fully submersed under the confines of the comforter, I was not prey to the harsh sunlight that was gracing the interior of my bedroom for the first time in days.

I merely grunted in acknowledgement to my mother's words, having not fully processed a word that had left her mouth and truthfully, I had no intention of doing so.

My eyes were sore and itchy and my emotional state was far from being anywhere near sane, but the gnawing sensation in my stomach suggested that I should gobble down some food. Sure I was starving- having eaten nothing but half of a sandwich, a few slices of fruit and some crackers for the past couple days- but I barely had an appetite.

               With much resign, I slowly detangled my body from the comforter and allowed the harsh mixture of the artificial lighting and natural sunlight to assault my unsuspecting eyes. My limbs ached slightly from spending so many hours each day warped into cramped positions. Truthfully, I'd only gotten out of bed to use the bathroom and freshen up a bit, and then it was right back to my previous position.

Before I could stand, I saw my mother towering above me with a cross of sympathy and resolution on her face. "Honey, I love you" she started tentatively, "but you have to get out of this house."

"Take Winnie for a walk. You abandoned her while you were moping and I allowed you some time off from school, but you can no longer go on like this." I should've prepared myself for a lecture whilst I was beneath my blankets, but my mind was in a constant state of disarray as every single moment I'd ever shared with Jared attacked my subconscious.

I mindlessly nodded, partially in agreement with her and partially out of exhaustion. "I know you felt strongly about this boy sweetie" she moved to sit next to me as her nimble fingers scooped my tangled locks off of my skin and into a high ponytail. "First heartbreaks are the worst things ever, and I always hoped that you'd never had to experience it."

I turned my face to meet her eyes. She was dressed in her hospital attire and her eyes were hooded with exhaustion. It was then that I realized that she must've only just returned from a late shift at the hospital, and instead of taking her much needed rest, she had to deal with me.

"I know you never liked him mom" I told her, my voice cracking slightly at the end.

"It's not that I didn't like him sweetie-" she started "I just didn't like him with you." Her eyes regarded me cautiously, as though I were a piece of glass one breath away from being shattered.

I wasn't sure how to deal with the emotions that assaulted me. I willed my eyes to form a barrier from the fresh wave of tears that threatened to burst its dam and bolted to my bathroom. I locked myself in and leaned against the marble countertop.

The girl staring at me had unruly blonde hair messily smoothened into a ponytail. Her clear green eyes had seemingly darkened and her pupils were dilated to the point that it resembled a cat's. The sunken hallows of her cheeks made it seem that she had either been in a fight or was seriously ill.

I blew a breath of resignation and turned away from the mirror.

My brain was still hung up on the fact that Jared was basically living his life with a new girlfriend. Jared and I's relationship meant everything to me, and I couldn't fathom the idea that for a moment he hadn't felt the same. Everything he did, everything he said, everything he was, was perfect.

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