𝟑𝟓 - 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬

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     I was met with a blast of warm air to the face when I reentered the house. Mother poked her head around the corner at the sound of the door closing. "There you are! You missed the entire dinner," she scolded. "Where on earth have you been?"

     "Just outside."

     "For three hours? By yourself?"

     "Yes," I lied, wondering why she sounded on the brink of hysteria. She rushed forward and took my arm, nearly dragging me towards the drawing room. "Your father's taken them to the upper gallery for cigars, but I think Gabriella isn't too fit to go back to school tonight." At my confused look, she yanked open the doors to show me what she means.

     Ainsley was slumped halfway down the couch, her heels kicked up in the air. At the sight of us she burst into a fit of giggles. "Draco!" she cried out joyfully and pulled herself up. "Where were you? You missed a terribly interesting dinner! Did you—" she hiccuped, "— did you know Mr. Selwyn was the youngest lawyer ever to defend a Death Eater? And Mr.—" hic "— Mr. Opius was telling us how Professor Lockhart —  you remember Professor Lockhart — how he was being so mean to his staff before his book signing." —  hic —  "That was before he went mad, of course!" 

     "She's had three glasses of wine and..." Mother took a deep breath. "Eight whiskeys. I don't think it's a good idea for her to go back to Hogwarts like that." I turned back to Ainsley. Her body was swaying slightly as she smiled giddily at me.

     "I think we should put her to bed," said Mother.

     "What, here?"

     "No, not here. In your Aunt Ronnie's room."

     I stared after her in shock as she walked over and took a seat beside Ainsley. "Darling, you'll stay with us tonight," she said, placing a hand on Ainsley's back. Ainsley leaned forward, blinking at another as though seeing her for the first time. "You're very pretty, Mrs. Malfoy," she murmured in awe.

     Mother pursed her lips in suppressed laughter. "Come on, on your feet now. We'll get you changed and into bed."

     "Oh, that's very kind, Mrs. Malfoy, but there's no need, really!" Ainsley babbled as we heaved her up. "It won't take me long to go back. It's only Disapparating, which I'm very, very good at!"

     Mother tried to take Ainsley's glass but she swung it away. "Nonono, I want it! Please let me keep it," she whined, and Mother let her have it.

     I slung her arm over my shoulder, and, with me bearing most of her weight, the three of us stumbled up the stairs. Halfway to the landing, her arm slipped from Mother's grasp. She squealed as we nearly dropped her, sending a slosh of whiskey over my shirt. "Fuck it," I growled, taking her behind the knees and picking her up in one fell swoop.

     Ainsley giggled and chattered in my arms the entire way. She didn't stop when I set her back down in the room, when Mother raided Aunt Ronnie's closet, or when I waited outside the doors while Mother washed her with the scourging charm.

     Mother finally reappeared looking frazzled and ready to rip her hair out. She slumped against the door and pressed a hand to her chest, trying to catch her breath. "I think I need a drink myself," she muttered before setting off for her own room.

     When she turned the corner, I went up to the doors and pressed my ears against it. There was not a sound. My hand rested on the handle as I contemplated opening it again when the piercing sound of glass shattering prompts me to do so.

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