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Hawkins' Pov

'Crunch' 'Crunch' 'Crunch'

"Do you want a piece of my apple Hawkins?" The girl sitting in my lap might not have finished her dinner earlier but I was glad her appetite seemed to have returned to normal. "Hawkins? I asked if you want to eat some apple slices. I don't share often so don't ignore my kind gesture" (Y/n) had been in one of her many moods ever since Faith left the ship but I knew it would eventually pass. "My apologies (Y/n) it was not my intention to ignore your lovely gesture"

"Hm, it's a good thing you're cute. Here you can have this piece. Say ahhh~" Opening up my mouth I allowed the apple to be pushed in but something about (Y/n)'s frown caused me some concern. "What seems to be troubling you (Y/n)?" I most likely offended her in some small way although with (Y/n) I could look at her wrong and she'd refuse to speak to me for the rest of the day. "You never said 'ahhh' Hawkins"

"You are a troubling young girl (Y/n) and I greatly admire you but there are just some actions that I will not partake in" Since (Y/n) had gone back to snacking on her apple I thought the argument was finished though it turned out not to be the case. "Buzzkill... I'm not sharing with you anymore. Oh, Hawkins I almost forgot to tell you something really important... This is the part where you asked me what it is"

Normally it would infuriate me when someone acted this childish but with (Y/n) it was different. I thought I had just tolerated her behavior though over time I believe it had slowly brought me comfort to listen to her. "What is on your mind, my dear?" (Y/n) didn't reply right away, and based on how she was chewing her lip I knew this must have been a serious discussion so I placed my cards down to give her more attention. "I want to have a baby with you. It doesn't have to be right away but I know when it happens, you'll make sure the little ones are kept safe"

(Y/n)'s Pov

Since Hawkins had often embarrassed me to no end, I thought that this conversation was better discussed quickly and directly. Although strangely enough, it took the man a few moments to respond to my bold request. "Little ones? Do you want multiple children?" I hadn't even realized that I had said that but maybe it would be nice to have more than one. "We'll start with one then go from there. Do you remember when Faith said she'd be here?"

"I believe she said eight o'clock. Why do you ask (Y/n)?" Our wedding night was less than 24 hours away but I didn't feel like waiting anymore. I was nervous as could be though hopefully, Hawkins wouldn't turn me down. "Let's have a little fun before she gets here~ Hehehe" Sliding off of the man's lap I held out my hand for him to take but he never took it. "What kind of fun do you have in mind?"

"You know I want to do the thing... Just follow me to our bedroom and don't tell anyone what we're doing" Since Hawkins didn't take my hand the first time, I started towards the door without him in order to check if the coast was clear. "Would you care to explain what 'the thing' is (Y/n)?" I might have been planning to take Hawkins back to our bedroom and have some fun with him but the actual word just refused to roll off my tongue. "The 's' word"

"Would you be referring to sleep, my dear?" Hawkins knew I had slept a lot but that was not the thing I wanted to do at this exact moment. "No... maybe after but I meant the other 's' word. Just follow me and you'll see what I mean Hawky" I didn't want everyone on the ship to know what I was up to but as luck would have it, we had ended up walking right past Little Miss. Coraline when Hawkins spoke up. "You wouldn't be referring to intercourse would you (Y/n)? That doesn't start with the letter 's' but perhaps you meant sex"

The way Coraline's eyes widened caused me to panic but without a second thought, I started to speak. "You didn't hear a word Coraline and mark my words if you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you. Do we understand each other?" As Hawkins' hand rested against my shoulder, I turned away from the girl but buried my head into his chest when I heard Coraline's reply. "Be sure to use protection (Y/n)... although how come you're not waiting for tomorrow night?"

Basil Hawkins x Reader {Our Fates Are Intertwined}Where stories live. Discover now