Ch 4

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"What do we need to discuss and let me go!? I'm not some kind of doll that you can do whatever you'd like with!" Once Hawkins' grip loosens, I crawled away to the other side of the bed then waited for him to continue. "I have rules on my ship (Y/n) you must follow them while onboard or else there will be consequences"

"I'm not going to listen to your rules Hawkins. Why can't you just let me leave this ship?" The man had started packing up his cards before he stood up from the bed then moved towards the bedroom door. "You must remain here with me (Y/n) and this will be the last time we discuss the topic. Follow me, dinner is waiting"


Ten Minutes Later...

Hawkins' Pov

"Is the meal not to your liking Miss. (Y/n)?" The girl had been picking up her meal while glaring at me for some time now but a crewmate had preoccupied her. "The food is fine I was just distracted by the jerk is all" I didn't see the reason behind (Y/n)'s constant insults but the girl was stranded on an island for two years so that could explain it. "Captain Hawkins isn't a bad person Miss. (Y/n) once you get to know him, you'll see that"

"He still doesn't smile... When are we going to reach the next island?" Could she be planning out her escape from my ship? "Only a few days Miss. (Y/n) the island is quite small but it should have everything we need" Without taking my eyes off of her face I continued eating my meal. (Y/n) was trying to ignore my gaze but she couldn't look at her plate for long before her eyes would meet mine.

When (Y/n) finished the meal on her plate she quickly excused herself as she ran out of the room. "Would someone please go make sure (Y/n) doesn't jump off the ship?" Finishing my own meal, I excused myself before I went to retrieve the girl. It was starting to get late into the night and both of us would need our rest. "Captain Hawkins, shhhhh. She's asleep" Following my men's hand I could see (Y/n) was curled up against the mast as her chest ever so slowly moved with her steady breathing.

"Thank you, I'll handle things from here" Walking over to the girl I picked her up in my arms before I brought her back to my room. I had a shipwright working on a larger vessel but we would only reach that island just before Reverse Mountain. It was a risk for the man to accept work from a pirate but I had made him an offer he couldn't refuse. "What role will you play (Y/n)?" Staring at the girl for a few more minutes I finally blew out the candle as the room faded into darkness.


The Next Morning...

(Y/n)'s Pov

When I awoke the next morning, I expected to find myself on the deck of the ship where I had fallen asleep last night. Though as my toes wiggled around, I knew this was definitely a bed and I was covered with warm sheets right now. "I wonder who brought me inside and why is this pillow moving?... Wait just a second pillows don't move"

As my head tilted up, I noticed it was Hawkins who I was rested my head-on. Thankfully the man appeared to still be asleep even though he still had that frown on his lips. Without wasting any time, I slowly tried to remove myself from him but his arms moved around me before I could get far. When I looked back at Hawkins' face nothing had changed and his eyes were still closed. It must have just been a reflex. Since I didn't want to risk waking the man up, I decided it was best to try and go back to sleep for the time being.


45 Minutes Later...

Hawkins' Pov

As my eyes opened, I felt a presence within my arms but when I looked down, I noticed it was only (Y/n). She must have moved closed to me last night and caused me to hold her in my embrace. "I'll allow her to sleep longer while I try to finish my work" Leaving the girl alone I first started cleaning up the mess she had made yesterday but when I noticed some of the papers had been used to make snowflakes my eyes drifted back to the girl.

"I'll have to ensure that (Y/n) has an adequate amount of paper and other supplies so she doesn't use my documents for her crafts" When I had finished my work an hour later (Y/n) was still sound asleep in my bed. I thought about waking her up but decided it was best to enjoy the silence while it lasted. "I'll check on you later"


30 Minutes Later...

(Y/n)'s Pov

As I stretched my limps out across the bed, I noticed Hawkins had disappeared from his spot beside me. "Where did he go?... Hm, I'm going to find myself something to eat" Walking out of the bedroom I took a look around before slowly making my way to the mess hall. "Ah, good afternoon Miss. (Y/n)! The Captain is out on deck but we were ordered to prepare this meal for you"

"I wasn't looking for the jerk, thanks for the meal though" Quickly eating what was on the plate I pushed the plate away before I started for the door that would lead me to the deck. I wasn't looking for Hawkins but I knew there was be fresh air and sun out there. As I walked across the deck no one spoke to me which I was glad for but that peace didn't last long as Hawkins walked up to my side.

"Good afternoon (Y/n). Did you sleep well last night?" I looked down at the sea below the ship and didn't reply to the man just hoping he would take the hint and leave me alone. "Stay away from the railing (Y/n) I don't want you to fall into the sea" I didn't know it was possible for someone to sound so dull and lifeless when worrying about another person's life. "Captain Hawkins come look at this!"

As Hawkins looked in the direction of his crew, I used the opportunity to jump over the rail as the sea approached quickly but before I reached the icy cold water something caught me. That was definitely straw around my waist and as my eyes met Hawkins', I saw a new emotion within them. Hawkins was displeased with me but he never said a word as I was carried into the ship and back to his bedroom. "You will remain here alone for the rest of the day" Before I could stay anything in return the blonde had already left and that's when I started to cry.


Hawkins' Pov

(Y/n) was crying once again and I stood there and listened to her for a few minutes until I took a seat on the floor nearby and started to predict the girl's future. "I hate you, Hawkins!" She had started hitting her fists against the wooden door but I chose to ignore her as I drew another card.

"Let me out of this room!" As I analyzed the cards, I drew, it didn't make a lot of sense to me. The cards usually went together so I could see a clear picture of what I wanted to know but (Y/n)'s cards were random and held no meaning to them. I could predict small things about her but nothing more than that. "If you're going to treat me like a prisoner then lock me in a cell!"

Standing up from the floor I unlocked the bedroom door as pulled it opened as (Y/n) ran to hide from me. "You cannot jump off of the ship (Y/n) but I also can't keep you in here forever. If you remain by myself for the rest of the day, I'll let you out. Do we have a deal?" (Y/n) was still crying though as her eyes locked on my outstretched hand, she started to walk towards it.

"Y-You are a j-jerk Hawkins" As her hand made connect with my gloved one, I felt a small spark between us. It only lasted for a second but it was enough to make me pause. "How interesting... Come along (Y/n)" Taking her hand in mine I led her towards the small storage closet at the end of the hall where all our literature was kept. "Why do you n-need a book, Hawkins?"

"We're going to hold a ritual later"


End Chapter 4

Basil Hawkins x Reader {Our Fates Are Intertwined}Where stories live. Discover now