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Who let me agree to this? Why was I just so okay with him not only coming to the studio with me but driving me there too.

Before work I had to go back to the house anyways to get a car but Roman refused to let me go back and he offered to drive. How chivalrous of him. He doesn't seem like the most gentlemanly guy so I think he's just "trying to be nice"?

At this point, I have no idea. Roman is the typical mysterious "bad boy" with baggage I know nothing about. Kai would say I'm living in a romance novel. If that's the case, I'm not sure I'm very prepared.

I have given Roman directions to my work and haven't even told him what it is.

"A dance studio?" He asks, amused and curious all in one.

I nod. "Yep, been dancing all my life. Now, if you sincerely wish to come with me, you may," Am i insane? Maybe a little. "But if not, I will see you around."

Before I can open the door he speaks up. "Brooke," he states, making me turn to face him. "I'm sincerely interested in coming with you." He says, repeating my phrase to mock me.

I sigh. "Alright then," I say. "I'll show you to the viewing room. This class is my older teens so no parents come. You'll be all alone."

I can't read his expression but he looks down at the bag I'm carrying. "What's that for?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Uh, clothes," I say. "I can't dance in jeans."

He scoffs.

I exit the car and Roman follows me. Daisy, the front desk clerk, raises her eyebrows upon looking at me and Roman walking in. I shake my head, willing her not to ask, and Roman greets hello. Daisy just tentatively waves and Roman follows me to the viewing room.

I turn to him. "You really didn't have to come in here," I say.

He shakes his head. "I want to."

I watch him for a moment and smile walking to the bathroom. I change my clothes and when I walk back out, Roman has his elbow on his legs, leaning over to scroll through his phone.

Roman hears me coming and looks up. His eyes go wide and they trace me up and down. I scrunch my eyebrows together. "What?"

He locks eyes with me and he shakes his head. "Nothing," he states. Nothing my ass.

A few of the girls walk around the corner a second later. Their conversation halts when they lay eyes on Roman sitting in the chair.

Anna looks up at me with wide eyes. "Uh, Brooke? Who's this?"

I open my mouth to respond but Roman beats me to it. "I'm Roman," he greets. "I'm Brooke's..." he looks at me, a smug smile on his face. "Friend."

I snort and roll my eyes. I look back at the girls. "Let's go inside. We've got some work to do." I say and escort them in.

Thank goodness these windows are reflective glass, so I can't see Roman through the window, because I would be distracted if I could see him watching me.

Mia catches my attention. "Brooke! A friend? I highly doubt that." She says, crossing her arms over her chest.

I shrug. "I barely know him." I amend. "No more talk about my "friend", let's get started."

The whole class, the girls try to ask me questions like, "Who is he?" "How do you know him?" "He's hot, if you don't date him I will."

I know I can't see Roman through the glass but I have a sneaking suspicion he's watching my every move. It makes me nervous to think he's watching me through the glass but it also... intrigues me.

I don't think a boy has ever watched me dance. Well, outside of Kai, but this is a first. I've had boys come and go in the past but I just never had the time or even thought about showing it to them or inviting them. They knew I danced but I guess they just didn't care? Well, I think that's a red flag, so let's leave it in the past where it belongs.

As the time comes for class to end, the girls crowd me again with questions. I promise that I will fill them in next week if anything important comes up. Which I'm not so sure of, but you never know?

They exit the room and I grab my stuff.

"Quite the dancer you are." I hear a voice from the doorway and peak over to see Roman, hands in his pockets and his shoulder leaning against the door jam. The baseball cap he was wearing has been turned backwards so his hair fans out at the ends. His dark clothes seem to match with his mysterious and on edge personality. He invites me in when I'm not sure I'm willing to let it. 

I smile. "Why thank you." I say in thanks.

He pushes off the door and walks over to me. Once he reaches me I look over at him. His eyes are wild and dark as they always are. Just like his appearance, his eyes have this invitation I'm hesitate to accept.

"You should invite me again sometime," he comments.

Before I even realize it's slipped out of my mouth I blurt out, "Would you like to see the rest of the dance?" I fight not to slap my hand over my mouth after the question rolls off my tongue.

His lips turn up in a side smile and he nods.

My eyes are wide and nervous as I move my gaze back to my phone that's still plugged into the stereo. I pull up the song and press play. The beginning of Gimme More by Britney Spears fills the room.

The dance begins slowly and I did that on purpose so the girls could get a feel of the style. I chose this song because their competition dance seemed to be missing something. It was sass, and confidence. Funnily enough, their competition song is Gimme, Gimme, Gimme by ABBA. Seems like I have a theme going.

I move my body to the music and feel it all over me. It consumes me. Dance has always had that effect on me. My eyes lock with Roman's through the mirror; his gaze could set me on fire. The intensity of the stare draws in me so much that I'm surprised I didn't miss a beat in the choreography.

I finish out the routine, out of breath and a little dazed for Roman's gaze. I turn around to face Roman and he's in a trance of some kind as well.

He meets me in the middle of the room and his hand comes up to push a piece of fallen hair behind my ear.

He smirks, his mouth inches away from mine. "You are definitely going to invite me again so I can see you in these pants again," I flush and he gets closer, my body unintentionally colliding with his. "But next time, we won't be here,"

If I wasn't so entranced by him I would be asking a line of questions. "What?" I mutter breathlessly.

"You'll have to wait and see," Is all he says before his lips crash onto mine.

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