Chapter 9

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I stepped out of the bathroom, with my towel and clothes in hand. Why am I doing this? Oh yeah, because I'm jealous of the fuck head guys who will be staring at my... My what? Sister? Crush?

I don't know. But all I do know is that no guys are going to touch or talk to her. I set my clothes down on the bed and slipped a pair of flip flops on. I shivered in my bikini at the cool temperature from the air conditioning. I wrapped my towel around myself.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked Camila who was sitting at the end of her bed, staring at the floor.

I snapped my fingers in front of her face, she jolted which was weird as fuck. She must've been in deep, deep thought. "Yeah let's go," her voice waved which was even weirder, but I shrugged it off. We grabbed our things and left.

"Do you have the room key?" I asked before the door was fully shut.

She nodded holding up the card thingy, "Yep."

I slipped on my sunglasses, even though we weren't outside yet I felt like wearing them, for more reasons than one. I tried to keep up next to Camila while we walked, but she was walking too damn fast. So I fell a little behind, which gave me the opportunity to check out her ass while we kept going. Sorry, I just couldn't help it, yet again I was thankful my sunglasses were dark so nobody noticed my eyes scanning her body.

"Lauren," I loved the way my name rolled off her tongue. It made my smile. "I texted mom and dad, and they said to stick together. They're gonna nap first, then come out and join us later for lunch."

I caught up next to her, "Okay sounds good. But I bet they won't be napping," I joked.

I laughed when I saw her face twist in disgust. "Eww you're gross, " she playfully slapped my bare arm. Tingles shot through my whole body from the contact, making me fill up with excitement.

Looking at her, smiling with joy twinkling in her eyes made me feel guilty at how poorly I've been treating her lately. I wanted this trip to be okay, and for us to be okay.

"Wait." I grabbed her wrist stopping us. Taking off my sunglasses I gulped when her brown eyes met mine. "I'm sorry. I've been such a bitch to you lately, and I want you to know that I regret it. I shouldn't be taking my anger out on you like I have been, or usually do. I'm so sorry, and I hope you can forgive me."

She smiled kindly, "I forgive you," I was pulled into a hug. My heart sky rocketed when our skin touched each other. Without thinking my arms immediately wrapped around her tiny bare waist pulling her closer to me.

My face was pressed against the side of her head, "I think you've gotten taller."

Pulling away she was still smiling, as was I. "Or you're just shrinking."

I let out a laugh, "Probably."

We made our way down to the lobby, chatting on the way. It felt nice to just be able to have a conversation without arguing or just to be having a conversation all together. I felt happy, very, very happy.

When Camila stepped out into the sun I froze. She looked like a goddess. Her skin glowed, and her dark hair shined, she was so freaking beautiful it was unbelievable.

"Do you want to go to the beach? Or just stay by the pool area?" She asked.

I cleared my throat, "Um let's just hangout here."

Nodding she walked off toward the end of the pool area near some vacant beach chairs and some grass.

"This is the perfect spot," she exclaimed excitedly setting down her towel on the ground, and sat cross legged on it. She went through her bag, taking out a hair tie she put her hair up into a messy bun.

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