Chapter 6

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I was angry. Beyond angry. Angry at how Camila was dancing on the fucking pool table half naked. And angry at how the crowd was cheering her on.

"Take your shirt off!" The guy next to me yelled. I pushed him hard without warning he fell to the floor, the drink he was holding spilled all over his white polo. "Hey! What's you're problem!"

I ignored him, "Camila come down!"

She looked down at me with a dopey grin, "Heyyy Lauren. What are yooou doin here?" She slurred climbing down. I didnt realize how drunk she was til she slowly climbed down with wobbly legs.

I grabbed her arms trying to hold her up, "What are you doing here?!"

She giggled and pressed her fingers on my lips, "Shh relax no need to shout."

I yanked her hand off of me, "Who are you with?"

"Dinah. She brought me here," she said grinning.

"Where is she?" Normani asked looking around. The crowd that was just here moved on into another room.

"Aww!" Camila whined. "You scared away my faans!"

I cupped Camila's cheeks and stared into her droopy eyes, "Focus Camz. Where is Dinah?"

She grinned widely, "She went to go get me a drink... But then.. I had to go pee so I went to the bathroom when I came back I couldn't find her anywhere... so these guys kept handing me drinks so... I drank'em all."

I sighed, fuck this isn't good. Who knows what they gave her. They could've slipped something in her drink when she wasn't paying attention.

"You know..." She said touching my cheeks with her hands. "You have such.. Pretty eyes."

I felt my face heat up at her words. I let go of her face and stood up making her hands drop. I looked up at Normani who, luckily, was scanning the crowd for Dinah not paying attention to us.

"Where's Rocky?" I asked Normani.

"He said he had to go do something with his girlfriend. He said he tried texting you but you didnt answer so he just left."

I checked my phone and say his texts

Where are you?

Lauren where are you? I'm with Devon outside in the backyard

I have to go, catch a ride with Normani be safe

I sighed. Fuck.

"Camila there you are!" Dinah shouted in relief. She and Camila pretty much looked exactly alike, but she was wearing short shorts and a snapback.

"Oh heyy Dinah.. Dmac.. DJ.. How are ya?" Camila slurred wrapping her arms around her best friend's neck.

Dinah stumbled laughing lighty but didnt fall. "Holy shit how much did you drink?"

"I dunnoo... A lot?" She giggled slowly sliding onto to the floor.

"Dinah why the fuck would you bring her here?" I asked her angrily.

Dinah turned to me with a pissed off expression on her face, "How was I suppose to know she would get this drunk? You're the one that said she should live a little! So all we did was take you're damn advice!"

Why does she have to be right?! "You shouldn't have brought her here either way!"

"Lauren! Dinah!" Normani yelled at us. She was kneeling down next to Camila who was knocked out on the floor. "We need to get her home."

I leaned down, hooking my arms under her knees and back like I did when we had a movie night a while go. I staggered to my feet, "Normani, lead the way to your car."

She nodded while I followed behind her, Dinah followed silently behind me as well. We went through the people, some gave me strange looks, wondering why I was holding an unconscious girl in my arms. I ignored them as we made our way outside.

Normani unlocked the keys to her car, I managed to put Camila in the passenger seat. "Give me your keys."

She raised her eyebrows at me, "What? Why? You can't drive, you've been drinking!"

"I had half a glass of vodka that was mixed with sprite. I think I'm fine," I rolled my eyes at her. "I'm taking her home. Get a ride with Dinah," She knew I wasn't up for discussion so she handed over the keys. I climbed into the driver seat and drove us home.


Getting Camila into the house was harder than I thought. She woke up when we were half way home and now she won't stop fighting me, she keeps struggling, trying to get away from me.

"Let me go!" She slurred wriggling out of my arms.

"Stop fighting me! I'm trying to help you."

We stumbled into the house, she was able to free herself from my arms. I looked into her eyes and saw tears start to form, "Why do you hate me so much?"

"What?" I asked confused.

My heart clenched when I saw the tears leave her eyes. "You hate me!"

"No I don't! I don't hate you! We're sisters I'd never hate you!" I panicked and reached out to hug her. Only for her to back away from me.

Lesson learned. Never let Camila get drunk ever again, her emotions are all over the place.

Now she was angry, "We're not sisters!" She shouted at me.

Ouch. My heart stung at her words. Why would she say that?

"What?" I whispered.

She started walking closer to me slowly, "You'll never be my sister! You're not my sister!"

"Yes we are! My mom is married to your dad!" I tried to reason with her my heart still hurting at her words.

She stood in front of me. Her eyes boring into mine when she whispered, "You're not my sister."

She cupped my cheeks and pressed her lips on mine. My eyes widened Camila is kissing me and I'm enjoying it all my thoughts flew out of my head as I closed my eyes and moved my lips against hers. As cliché as it is to say I felt sparks that shot through my whole entire body making me feel on fire. I brought my hands up and held onto her forearms, I felt her tongue brush against my bottom lip asking permission to enter, I opened my mouth but slid my tongue into her mouth instead. I tasted cherry vodka and a taste of lemon as our tongues rubbed against each other, I sucked on her tongue, I heard a moan slip through our lips, I wasn't sure if it was me or her but that brought me back to reality.

I pulled back holding my hands to my lips. I just made out with my sister. Holy fuck. This is wrong on so many levels.

I looked at her, she was breathing heavily with flushed cheeks and bruised lips. Suddenly I heard a loud guttural burping noise come from the back of her throat, her hands shot up to her mouth as she bolted out of the room into the bathroom, I heard her puking into the toilet as the alcohol left her system.

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