Chapter Twelve

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It's been two weeks, two weeks with no movement on Magnus. I have finally gained the privilege of having my honor of getting my bandages removed, mostly removed. I still have some on my hands and of course my eyes. I am still seated in my wheelchair, a task so normal but immensely boring. I could only listen to music and think, nothing to read, watch, or draw anything. I just sat or laid all day and listened, my thoughts had grown wild. Never stopping, always continuing on, always getting worse as the day draws on. I was loosing my mind.
I heard the door to my room open, I didn't know what was day or night, I assumed it was day since I was being moved onto my chair and wheeled out of my room. I barely talked much, nothing to talk about, so for all they know I just sleep. Now these past two weeks haven't been hell on earth, just boring, extremely boring. What I didn't know was today would be actually exciting, my chair stopped and based on the chill and the sound that came from my wheels when it stopped, I knew I was in the kitchen. I heard a familiar cane hitting the tile before it stopped, right in front of me, I was confused since everyone had been so busy that for once the house was silent enough to hear this, and because Grandfather had been so busy he rarely ever checked up on me.
"Hello child, I have good news for you!" I was excited, I started to wonder what would be happening, had they found Magnus? I nodded to let them know I was ok for them to continue, I wanted to know.
"Today you'll be able to remove your bandages! All of them" That made my day, I knew I would have to rest for a few more days but I could actually do things. I closed my eyes as I felt the bandages come off my head, a feeling I was not used to any more. The light from the room had finally been aloud to meet my eyes after that long time apart, I covered my eyes in a cupping form, like you do while looking outside after being inside for a day. I saw my still bandaged hands making a triangle over my eyes and I laughed a bit wondering how funny I looked. I then looked at my arms and legs, the blisters and burns were gone, but replaced with burn scars that made me look even more white than I am. My eyesight is back to it's normal blindness, mostly, and I can feel my buzzed hair, right I burned it to a singe.
My hands are removed from their wraps, and they feel weird to my touch. I grimace hating the weird touch I would have to get used to. I stand slowly grabbing onto Derik for aid, since I haven't walked in a few weeks I'll need some help. It takes me about twenty minutes before I can walk holding something, it will take time to recover fully, and I'm smiling, I can recover and work on finding Magnus. I have a few head starts on where he could be and who could have taken him, so I call a group meeting after sitting back in the chair.
"I have a few theories based on what Magnus told me of where he might be and who might have taken him. The night before the gala we got back into contact and he told me of all the things his father would tell him if he didn't continue to obey his rules. I think his father kidnapped him and will strip his powers from him. Only reason I know he hasn't yet would be due to the fact he always said he would broadcast it live as an example to never wrong Hero Corp." I finish off my speech seeing everyone's faces in a grimace or a scowl. I could feel their rage radiate off of them, and I agreed with every aspect of it. His father was a monster and one things for sure, we all hates him. I for one could not wait for his downfall. Once we could learn for sure where he is and are able to reach him, I'll make sure that I save him and the world from

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