chapter four

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I was excited to go to school the next day. When I pulled up, I saw Bella making her way up to my car.

As soon as I opened my door, she started talking. "Are you excited for English?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course, I'm so excited to hear Mrs. Riley babble on about her dog for an hour and then assign us homework."

Bella laughed. "Well, day two and you already know how it works around here. You catch on quickly."

We headed inside to class. Teachers slowly started actually assigning me homework. My third-period class was a study hall, and I actually had stuff to do today. Bella had a different class, so I sat in the library by myself, typing up my essay that I have to do for English.

I was five minutes into working when someone sat down across from me and started pulling out homework. I looked up and saw Jasper.

He must have noticed me staring because he looked up and said, "I figured you could use some company."

"Of course," I said. "I just didn't realize that you had study hall this time."

"I didn't realize you had it this time either," he chuckled. "Otherwise, I would have sat with you yesterday. You were probably so bored by yourself."

"Yeah, I forgot headphones yesterday, so I couldn't even listen to music. Luckily, I threw a book in my bag in the morning."

"What are you reading?" he asked. He sounded genuinely interested.

"Thirteen Reasons Why."

"That's one of my favorites."

"You've read it?" I ask a little shocked.

"Yeah, Alice kept bugging me to read it when it came out. When the show aired, she made me reread it again, but I didn't mind. It was a really good book."

"Yeah, the ending gets me every time."

"Maybe I'll have to reread it quick." He sounded thoughtful. I really hoped he would. Reading a book at the same time as someone was so fun.

The bell rang as I was about to say something. I couldn't help but notice how Jasper seemed a little disappointed that we had to go to class.

I groaned. "Now, off to Calculus."

Jasper had a little half-smile on his face. "Well, my class is right next to there. I could walk with you if you want."

"That would be great. I'm still a little lost with where everything is. You should have seen me trying to find the library." As we continued to talk, we started heading to class.

"I bet that was interesting," Jasper said as if he knew something I didn't.

I gave him a look, and he sighed.

"I may or may not have seen you struggling to find the library."

"What? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "It was fun to watch."

"Well, I'm glad I could entertain you."

We then reached my class. Jasper turned to me with a smile, which slowly fell, and he became more serious. His eyes scanned my face. I suddenly noticed how close we were. My heart started racing but in a good way.

Someone cleared their throat, and Jasper immediately backed up a couple steps. I saw Bella looking between the two of us.

"Ready for class?" she asked.

I cleared my throat. "Yup!"

"I'll see you at lunch," Jasper said, looking at me.

I nodded at home, and he headed off to class.

The whole class I kept playing over what just happened outside of this classroom. It made my stomach fill with butterflies and a smile appear on my face. I bet Bella thought I was crazy, but hey, I probably was.

What would have happened if Bella didn't show up then? Would he have said something? Or done something?

I got chills just thinking about it.

Jasper was so easy to be around, and I didn't want to ruin what we had by overthinking.

Eventually, class ended, and Bella told me the numbers we had to do for the assignment due tomorrow. We walked up to our lunch table, and I noticed that Alice and Jasper switched spots from yesterday. Edward was smirking at Jasper, teasing him about something.

I set my food down and sat down next to Jasper.

"So, how's the second day treating you so far, Violet?" Alice asked.

"Pretty good," I replied. "I got so much more homework compared to yesterday, though."

"I had a feeling they'd bombard you with homework today. They act like you didn't just move here."

"I know," I said exasperated. "I'm gonna be up all night trying to do homework."

"You could come over to study," Jasper volunteered. All eyes went to him.

"Really?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't want to intrude.

"Yeah, it could be fun," he said. Edward was glaring at him.

"I'm not sure . . ."

"Please," Jasper begged. He had this look in his eyes that convinced me that I had to say yes.

"Okay," I said. "But we actually have to do homework. Otherwise, I'm gonna be up even later."

Everyone seemed to agree, and I was excited. 

This could be fun. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?

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