chapter thirteen

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I've been waiting for this one. TURN IT UP!! Also, she do be a little long though.

When I was getting ready the next morning, I found a note from my dad.

Took a late shift tonight. Here's some money for food. See you for supper tomorrow night.

I felt like I haven't seen my dad that much since we've moved. He's been keeping himself busy at work.

I really didn't wanna be alone tonight, which made an idea come to mind just as the doorbell rang.

Jasper didn't ask me if I wanted a ride to school, but I knew it was him. It was another one of the little things that we do routinely. It was our new normal.

When I opened the door, Jasper leaned in the house to grab my bag that was waiting for him to come.

"Good morning," I said as he stood up.

"It is now," he said with a cheeky smile.

We both laughed a little at how cheesy that sounded.

As we walked to his car, I brought up my idea. "Would you ever want to study tonight?"

I paused for a second. Jasper was slightly ahead of me, so I couldn't see his reaction.

When he didn't respond right away, I continued. "My dad will be working tonight, and I haven't really seen him a lot. So it's kind of just been me in the house. If you don't want to, that's fine too. I just thought I'd–"

"I would love to," Jasper said with a smile, cutting me off. "I'll have to tell Edward and Alice when I see them at lunch."

A grin spread across my face.

When we sat down in his car, he grabbed my hand. He drove to school with one hand. Normally I'd be a little nervous if someone did this, but I didn't. I knew that Jasper would watch out for my safety. He'd never do something reckless with me. He'd know I wouldn't like that.

I also couldn't be nervous when I saw how smoothly he drove with one hand. It was mesmerizing. He was so graceful when his hand let the wheel spin around when he took a turn. There was not one flaw in his driving. It was textbook perfection. I was half hoping he would hit a curb to make me not feel like a bad driver.

We walked hand in hand to my first class, and I already dreaded having to leave him until third period.

I was pleasantly surprised when he showed up outside of my class when first period ended.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I thought I'd walk you to class," he said as if this was just another thing that we did every day. I certainly wouldn't mind if this became one of those things.

"How did you make it here so quickly? Isn't your class like on the other side of the building?"

"Um, I don't know," he said while he rubbed the back of his neck. "Long legs?"

I giggled at his lame excuse. He probably sprinted here to get there on time, yet he didn't seem out of breath. He seemed like his normal, perfect self.

Jasper continued to walk me to my classes all day. I was still a little lost on how he knew my class schedule so well. I barely knew my schedule.

When lunch came around, I knew I'd meet him at our table in the cafeteria. Jasper was facing away from me approaching, so I tried to scare him. I walked up quietly and crouched down slightly as if that would do anything.

Just when I was about to jump at him, he turned around and scared me. I jumped back, startled. Without noticing I dropped my tray and all of its contents onto the floor.

battle scars // jasper hale fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now