34 : A tattoo is just a tattoo, right?

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The week went by very quickly.

Damien had come back with the Dragon Rocks and they had isolated their make-up, being able to share components with the other supernaturals who in turn created their own rocks.

Ceres had gotten her defense team to start working on the protective gear and that was going well as well. A mixture of science and magic was making the project move forward in leaps and bounds and the feedback was positive.
Tempest, Dean, Leon and Marc spent hours training with the Lycans. It was exhausting but rewarding and she was happy with their progress. He finally got to see Dean fight as well and he had not been mistaken about his strength and skill. He was not as good as Tempest, but he was darn formidable as well. The four of them showed his warriors new techniques that made them improve steadily.

Galan trained with them a couple of times but other matters required his attention. He was still amazed at how good Tempest was and he was fully aware that she was only using a fraction of her strength in their training. She was patient with his men but she was demanding and expected results. It was good to see how well his men responded to her methods and he was not surprised that, after his recovery, Micah quickly became one of her most devout students.

The fourth night following the start of their training, Galan lay in bed next to her watching her sleep. She was exhausted and slept deeply. He should have felt like a stalker as his gaze roamed over her face, taking in every detail of her features, but he didn't.

His parents had asked him when they intended to conclude their bond, mark each other and mate. He had simply told them that it would happen when they were both ready. He had not wanted to discuss it with them and had closed them off with a quiet finality.

The truth was, he didn't know when it would happen. Every day he felt them getting closer and closer. They had even gotten into a routine which allowed them to make time for each other. Each morning they would go for a run. When they came back they had breakfast together. After that, they would get to work, where he would go about his business of running the Lycan Kingdom.

She in turn would go train with the warriors until lunch time. The afternoon was mainly reserved for updates on what was happening around the supernatural world. So far what they had heard was happening was good news. The Dragon Rocks were in place and seemed effective in blocking off portals. Training was continuing everywhere, becoming more intense because their enemies now had a face. Armours and weapons were finalised and anything that could help in the upcoming war was discussed.

In the evenings she liked to spend a bit of time with her family after dinner. She made it a point to also make time for Tristan and Rainey, both of whom had developed a soft spot for her.

He couldn't lie though, his favourite time of the day was when they were alone in their room, catching up on how the other's day had gone. They would each take a shower and retire for the night, with her lying beside him. Sleep normally came easy to him, especially with her in his arms, but he had to admit he was restless tonight.

He gently took her arm, the one with the coin tattoo on it, and studied it closely. There were two creatures on opposite sides of the same side of the coin, facing each other; a dragon and a phoenix. Between them was a blazing sun.
He ran his thumb gently over the tattoo, his touch so soft he didn't think she would feel it.

She stirred in her sleep, however, and mumbled something he couldn't hear. He couldn't help the smile that stretched his lips as he watched a small frown form on her forehead. She mumbled a little more before she sighed and snuggled into his side, making the warmth in his heart flare into a flame that warmed his whole body, bathing him in a feeling of extreme joy.

She had come to trust him and in her own way, she cared deeply for him. The word love had not come up between them but he knew exactly which side of that word he fell on when it came to Tempest. He adored her. He continued to watch her sleep, gently rubbing the wrist he still held in his hand.

His thoughts kept cycling over the upcoming war and he knew they had to do something very different to win. The Dragon Rocks gave them an edge but it was far from enough. They needed more. A hell of a lot more. The Dark Druids had survived amongst the supernaturals for centuries and had learnt a trick or two during that time. They would not be easy to stop. No one knew the extent of the power, knowledge and madness that possessed the group.

Inevitably his thoughts ran to Tempest's parents. He really hoped they would still be okay when they got to them. She was worried about them and he worried in turn. In as much as he supported and respected her decision to find them before they consummated their bond, he had hoped that she would realise that no matter what happened, bond or not, he would always be there for her. She always seemed to hold so much of herself back from him, and he wanted her to be able to let him into her deepest fears.

He ran his thumb over Tempest's tattoo again, thinking about her mother this time. Her name was Adria. He had heard Tempest say she was a fierce warrior and often fought beside her father in battle. He had asked her the meaning of her mother's name the previous day and she had told him it meant strong, noble and powerful, everything her mother was.

He wondered how similar the mother and daughter team were and couldn't help but smile. He had no doubt they would be formidable together. He smiled as he imagined them fighting side by side, taking out enemies effortlessly and leaving behind absolute carnage.

His Lycan loved that image and he felt the fierce pride he had in their mate.

Again he rubbed his thumb over the tattoo. Not realising that he was doing it, he said Tempest's mother's name out loud at the same time.


Then, Tempest, hearing him, opened her eyes in time to watch him disappear from their bed.


Tempest heard him call out her mother's name softly. His thumb rubbing against her tattoo was soothing and her lips turned upward as she opened her eyes to look at her mate.
Just then, her mother's voice sounded through their link, calling her name as their connection was opened.

It was then that Galan disappeared from right in front of her.

Throwing back the light sheet that was covering her she jumped out of bed and crouched down, looking around. She was in attack mode and ready to tear apart anything that may have threatened her mate. She saw nothing but the rapid beating of her heart was not allayed. She heard the harsh exhale of her breath and took a jagged breathe to try and calm down.

Nope. Not calming down! Galan had just disappeared and she had no flipping clue as to what the hell had just happened. With a furious growl she sped to the door, pulled it open and sped over to Aida and Samual's room.

Bursting in, she found Aida levitated in the air, her eyes closed and her arms held out to the sides, palms up.

Samual was sitting in a chair, watching her as she did whatever it was she was doing. He turned his eyes to Tempest, worry apparent in them. He moved over to her and closed the door after pulling her into the room.

"What's wrong?" he asked her, scanning her for injuries.

"Galan has disappeared," she told him. Her voice was agitated and her eyes flashed a deep blue that seemed to glow in the dimly lit room. She looked at Aida, suspended in the air, and then turned to Samual. "What is she doing?"

"She was carrying out a locator spell, trying to find anyone she still knew who may be in the Dark Druid's camp," Samual said.

"Oh, shit," Tempest hissed as a voice called out to her. "I know where he is."

5 December 2020

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