22 : Something Wicked Came

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The loud shouts as someone burst through the cabin doors had Galan waking up so suddenly his Lycan came to the surface. When he heard Tempest scream his transformation started as he hurried through his bedroom door into the lounge. What he saw had him freezing mid transformation before he reverted fully to his human form. He tilted his head as he saw Tempest squeezed between two tall men.

"Get off me, you brutes!" she yelled as one pinned her arms to her sides and the other tickled her mercilessly.

"What the hell!" Galan roared and three pairs of eyes turned to him. Suddenly, Tempest grabbed each of their hands as they relaxed their stances and flipped them onto their backs.

"That's for that stunt you just pulled," Tempest yelled at them. As the two men did a Chinese wakeup and got to their feet, Galan noted they were twins. "Galan, meet my brothers, Twit One and Twit Two."

The two turned to Galan and he saw the mischievous looks on their faces.

"Hello, brother," Twit Two said. "My name is Marc, the older Twit by just a few minutes. The other Twit is Leon. And if you look closely enough, you will notice that he is not the more dashing of us. I got the trophy on that one."

Galan raised an eyebrow and his eyes moved to Tempest who looked mortified.

"Yes, yes", Leon added with a flamboyant wave of his hand, "she did raise us better than that but we are irredeemable. Best get used to it."

"One," Tempest counted under her breath.
Galan saw the panicked look that crossed the boy's faces and he wondered at it. They were, as was typical of Werewolves, big and muscular. They were, however, young, probably in their early twenties. They had curly red hair and their brown skin and brown eyes were full of mischief and fun. As Tempest started to count, they slowly started to back out of the house.

"Two." The twins threw a big toothy grin in Galan's direction before they dashed out of the room and disappeared outside in record time. He watched, amused, as Tempest took a deep breath and turned to face him. She looked out of breath, her face flushed and her eyes brimming with happiness.

"Your brother's are werewolves?" Galan asked her, loving the carefree mood that washed over her. She was normally so proper around him that seeing her like this warmed his heart. He just wished he had the same effect on her.
She gave him a small smile and shrugged.

"Sometimes family chooses you. Dean, Marc and Leon are my tribe. It has been the four of us for a while now."

"Five now," Galan said softly as he walked over to her and took her hand in his. He intertwined her fingers with his and he raised his other hand to touch her face gently.

"Yes," she said so softly he would have missed it had it not been for his Lycan hearing. "Five now."

Galan gently pulled her to him and she did not resist. He urged her to look up at him with the hand on her face and as she did so he lowered his lips to hers. He couldn't help it. He needed to feel her lips against his, to taste her and feel her breath against his. He heard her breathing hitch and he continued to lower his lips as she didn't pull away.

When their lips touched he heard her moan. Or maybe it was him. He couldn't really tell. He coaxed her lips open and teased her tongue with his, loving the taste of her. He pulled her tighter into his arms as she responded and he couldn't help but deepen the kiss, feeling her response, hearing her increased heart beat against his chest. He felt his own heartbeat accelerate and he pulled her closer yet. It was just the two of them in their own world. Nothing else. Noone else.

They were so engrossed in each other that it took them longer than it normally would have to hear the commotion.

"Vamps!" someone yelled before the screaming started.

They moved away from each other and rushed to the door. Galan watched as Werewolves and Vampires clashed outside. Neither side held back as they viciously attacked each other.

They shared a quick look before they rushed into the melee, each bent on saving their kin.


Tempest kept an eye on Marc and Leon. Although they were accomplished fighters, she never stopped worrying about them. She wasn't as worried about Galan. She knew he could handle himself. As she moved rapidly through the fighters, ripping Vamps apart with her partially extended claws, she made sure that no children were in the crossfire. She saw one child crying near her cabin and sped over to him as soon as she had dealt with the Vampire in her path. She scooped the child in her arms and rushed over to Samantha's bunker, knowing it was the most secure area in the village. She handed him to a were that was guarding it and rushed back to the fight.

There was blood everywhere. There were about twenty Vampires left standing and they were quickly being annihilated. They moved quickly through the werewolves but they were just as swiftly stopped and torn apart. Their pale skin and red eyes looked extremely strange during the day time and their movements were jerky and uncoordinated.

A number of weres had fallen and Tempest's were growled in fury. Her eyes tracked what was happening for a moment and a frown grew on her face.

Something didn't make sense.

As she ran to rejoin the fight, the Vamps froze as one and they all suddenly fell to the ground at the same time. The fighting stopped immediately and the weres looked around, confused.

"Shit! Samantha! I need you here. Now," Tempest communicated to her friend. Within seconds, Samantha stood before her and immediately understood what she needed to do. Hurrying to one of the fallen Vamps, she held her hands out and touched his forehead. A sudden glow appeared around the head of the fallen Vamp and Samantha seemed to be focusing hard. After a moment, the man in her hands crumbled to dust and Samantha swore loudly as all the Vampires ended up the same way.

"What the hell just happened?!" Leon asked out loud, thus bringing up the question that was currently on everyone's mind.

30 October 2020

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