Chapter 27 - It's All Fake

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Lynn had spent the rest of the lesson afterwards, looking around. She had found a staircase that led to the dungeons but there was no Guthrie. She had ran up the stairs and back into the hallways running into Miss Amaya.

Miss Amaya was the librarian, who was always nice to Lynn. But as she reached her now her throat closed up. Does she know what's happening? Was there blood on her hands?

Amaya looked at her with a warm smile and said, "Have a nice day, Lynn."

Lynn pulled herself together in time to reply, "You too."

No-one gives you a second glance. 

It was true. She was sure if Mishal or Lana or even Rosie had been here Amaya would have asked what they were doing. If they had a pass.

She went back to the class just as the bell rang and the hallways became abuzz with laughter and chatter. Someone grabbed her arm and on edge Lynn swirled around to see Rosie looking at her.

"Hey," Rosie said, "How was Species? Heard Mrs Clinton was in a bad mood today,"

"It was fine," Lynn said as they entered the dining hall.

"Whatever you had, it was probably better than my history class. Mr. Barkos went on and on..."

Lynn tuned Rosie's voice out as she grabbed her plate and started walking towards their usual table. She felt like someone was watching her, but she shook off the feeling.

Lynn sat with a few of Rosie's friends ever since Mishal and Guthrie were taken. She looked around the dining room scanning for Lana. Where was she? Lynn had expected Lana to sit with her usual group of earth friends. Amber, Chantal and Gemma. But as she looked there now, Jade and Auretta were there. And Gemma and Lana were nowhere to be seen.

It made sense for Lana to not want to sit with Jade and Auretta, but she was nowhere in the dining hall. Was she in trouble?

Lynn heard her name and looked back to the table blankly. "Huh?"

"I said, what do you think Lynn?" Rosie said as the other girls on the table exchanged looks.

"Yeah, great." Lynn answered lamely.

Rosie smiled satisfied and they all returned to their meaningless chatter that she couldn't keep up with. She pushed her food around her plate, until she heard Lana's name.

"Sorry what was that?" She asked looking up. The girls looked surprised. She hardly ever contributed to their idle gossip.

"Did you hear? Mishal's been expelled for assaulting Kenna. It's going around that she has-" One of them gushed.

"No-not that, the thing about Lana." She interrupted.

"Security went to her and Gemma's dorm last class. They're saying she's a traitor to the academy,"

"A what?"

"Yeah," Another girl spoke up, "Hey aren't you friends with Dahlia?" She leant in closer as if she was telling a secret, though Lynn knew the whole academy had already heard this. "Apparently she's working with the kidnappers who took Dahlia and Guthrie."

"Dahlia and Guthrie?"

Lana had told Lynn that Dahlia was safe. And Guthrie, Lynn had seen Guthrie been taken by security. If Lynn hadn't seen all that she probably would have believed the girl.

"Yeah." The girl replied before holding up both her hands in surrender. "But you didn't hear it from me."

No. No. No. This wasn't meant to happen. Lynn's eyes darted across the room. She had to figure out what to do. Her eyes landed on a something outside the window. She almost screamed when she realised it was Lana.

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