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Getting his friends attention, Luke looked over to the girl watching them from the bench and said "you see that girl over there.. on the bench?"

Alex nodded and said "yeah..? Why?"

"She can see us. She was at the performance before, we made eye contact. Now, she's here and we made eye contact again." Luke said as a panic arose in his voice.

Reggie smiled as he looked to his two friends. "Let's go say hi!" Reggie said as he walked over the the girl, the other two following him behind.
Looking at the three boys who now stood In front of her, Leanna couldn't figure out what to say. It's been so long since her last conversation.

"Hi?" Leanna asked nervously, earning a shocked expression from each boy.

"See! She can see us!" The brown haired boy said.

The blonde one looked shocked too, then saw the picture on the light pole. Quickly reading it, he hit his friends arm, pointing to the picture.

"Yeah yeah, I'm dead. Don't bother reading that picture." Leanna said, earning her another look from the boys.

"Well, Leanna right?" The brown haired boy asked.

Leanna nodded her head as she responded. "Yes, and your three are..?"

The boys did a nervous laugh and the boy with darker hair said "I'm Reggie, the blonde is Alex, and this guy right here is Luke."

Leanna nodded her head. "So.. you guys died too right.. not that I'm talking to real alive people who see me?"

Alex laughed and said "yep, we are bad hotdogs and died. How about you?"

Leanna looked to the three boys laughing, then said "hotdogs.. seriously? I got bit by a shark while surfing. That's my board over there."

She pointed to the surfboard propped up in the front window of the main shop.

The boys all looked pretty shocked. Leanna was confused why but remembered that these boys were probably new to interesting death stories.. considering they died from eating a hotdog.

As the four of them talked, Leanna's eyes kept getting brought over to Luke. His eyes were easy to get lost in.. and the shirt he was wearing made it hard not to look at his arms.

"Hey so we have to get back to our friend, we should all hangout sometime." Luke said while giving Leanna a soft smile.

"Sure thing, see you guys around." Leanna said right before they poofed away.

Leanna couldn't help being shocked that not only was she not alone anymore, but that there are other ghosts here. This whole thing was just crazy.

✔️My Rockstar |Luke Patterson|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat