Chapter 3

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Adelina's POV:

I look around in somewhat confusion.The flashing red and blue lights seemed to go in slow motion. They're somewhat nostalgic. They remind me of the friends I used to have. I had best friends. A whole group. 

There were four of us. Alexander, William, Phoenix and I. We use to do all kinds of illegal stuff together, never anything too big but getting chased by the cops was a pretty normal occurence. One friday night we had planned to graffiti some abandoned building, but the night before Michael drank vodka so I couldn't exactly participate. 

I met Phoenix when I was eight years old. I wasn't friends with many girls, I'm still not. I could say it's because hanging out with girls is too much drama and I'm one of the guys but that's not the case. I'm pretty much a bitch and not a lot of people try to be friends with me.

However, Phoenix wasn't intimadated by my cold stares and clipped tone. In a way she was a bit like me, a bitch to most people, but was more social and outgoing. Over the years, she became like my sister.

I met Will and Alex two years later at age ten. They became my brothers. Alex had the brains and was basically the only responsible one  while Will had some muscle and was lucky if he had three functioning braincells at a time. It didn't always sound like he did. Not the brightest bulb in the shed, if you know what I mean.

These people broke down my walls and saw the real me. They knew what I was going through and helped me as much as I let them. I was myself with them, did everything with them and shared everything with them. 

Smoking my first blunt, going to my first party, running from the cops for the first time., my first breakup and even my first panic attack. They knew me inside out.

Then they disappeared, sending me a few texts saying goodbye. Those messages didn't explain much, only that it wasn't planned. Something about getting caught and having to leave. That was two years ago. In consequence, I started spending a lot more time at home. They made me feel alive and not just living.

I haven't bothered making other friends. What's the point? I don't never knew how much longer I'd be here before someone took me away. Wether it be the cops, social services or the grim reaper. 

I'm pulled away from my thoughts hearing yelling in the backround. My head is spinning as I fail to grasp what just happened. Cops flood the house and circle the area while paramedics bombard me with questions. Yet I can't focus on one single voice as many are swirling in my head. 

"She's in shock," I think I hear one of the female paramedics say.

Bringing my blood covered hands up to my face, confusion swirls in my mind. Who's blood is it? I open my mouth to talk but I can't speak. I'm nauseous and dizzy. 

"She's breathing too quickly, she's going to pass out" I think another said.

And pass out I did. 

I wake up in the hospital. It was a small room and the curtains were drawn, letting only a bit of light through. It's quite obviously morning, or afternoon. It's hard to tell.

I scan my sourroundings trying to figure out how I wound up here with an IV in my arm. Then, memories come flooding back. 

The screaming, the door being broken, the house being ransacked,the money, the drugs, the hand the came out infront of Michael and the life draining from his eyes. 

There's a distracting dull ache in my cheek and I put my head in my hands, being careful to avoid the cut. Michael's dead, what happens now?

It's very important none of my current injuries end up on my medical records. The police will have access to it aswell as my new legal guardien. I can't have that,so except the cut of my cheek I need a clean bill of health from the doctor.

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