Chapter 28

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Adelina POV:

By the time we make it back, it is almost 4:30am. The laughter never died down much during the ride but silence now enveloppes us as we contemplate what to do. 

Our hair is matted with paint and our clothes are stained. We all look like a mess. The issue is getting back into the house. Valentino and Valerio seem just as clueless as I. 

"We could sneek in." Valentino suggests. 

Valerio discards the idea "We didn't set it up properly."

"What's the worst that will happen," I butt in "ground us? That's easy shit."

They both exchange glances. It was obviously not the worst they could do, but I wasn't supposed to know that.  My heart didn't hold any fear, it hadn't in such a long time. Dating back to when I was getting beaten by Michael, even. 

Nobody could take anything else from me and it is a reality I have already faced.

It just means nobody could hurt me more than I was expecting them too and my supposed brothers couldn't hurt me more than I'd already been hurt. So what reason did I have to be afraid?

I hold out my hand "I'm assuming one of you brought keys?"  They both exit the car, leaving me to roll my eyes, but follow.  I catch up pace with them quickly. 

Once at the door they both turn to me.

"That's creepy as hell." I say. 

Valentino pouts, "These are our serious faces." I snort at the thought of him trying to be serious.

"Valerio is always serious." I point out, motioning towards Valerio's cold expression.  They both dismiss my comment. 

"Ok! Listen up buttercup," I cringe in the middle of Valentino's sentence "this is the part where we get in trouble. It's inevitable, it's going to happen. I bet he's sitting in there with a black cat on his lap just waiting for dramatic effect. So what you need to do is make it easier for everyone. By shutting up. No talking from you."

I go to protest but Valerio is faster "Starting now. Shut the fuck up."

"Oh fuck off, I know how to get out of these situations." I go for the door. 

Valentino softly grabs my arms, but the sudden motion had me flinching. Something I hadn't done in weeks perhaps. Then again, I haven't been spending the most time with any of them.

It is obviously not something I could control, but I thought I was over it. 

Valentino, much to my relief, doesn't acknowledge it as he says "I have no doubt you do. You just don't know them as well as we do yet."

Regaining my confidence, that they failed to notice faltered, I say "You better stop sounding like Angelo before I punch you."

He hastily rips his hand off me with comedic fright. Valerio's smirk gives away that he is amused as he says "I'm going to lie our way out of it. Lay off." and with that unlocks the door. 

The house is dark as we walk in and I make it a point to walk in front of the other two. The house is quiet as can be. Darkness lingers at the corners of the rooms we walk past and I could only hope our secret would stay hidden in the walls. 

Soft footsteps follow me as I weave me way from room to room. I don't see the threat the twins had warned we will face and I wonder if they've noticed we'd gone at all. 

The stairs creak with our weight, almost as if their trying to inform the house of our arrival. My eyes scan the dark area and a flip switches in my head. I begin to tune in to my surroundings. 

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