Do or Die

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"The Moon Stone?" Mikhael asked.

"Yes." Theo looked at all the Alphas in the room. All were serious and are waiting for his next words.

"It is said that the Goddess overpowered the beast with the power of the moon stone. And it has the closest thing to the goddess, it came from her. So, I believe it will help.. "

"But come to think of it, maybe it is our last card. But the Moon Stone holds the power to keep us different from monsters. Say we take the moon stone, what will happen to us then? Either, we will defeat the beast or we will turn to untamed monsters again. We cannot do it." The Grey Moon Alpha, Rick Rogers spoke, weighing all his words.

"Has anyone of you have seen the moon stone before? Was it kept hidden deep in the heart of the Moon Forest? No one has ever stepped on the sacred forest since the Goddess placed it there." Another Alpha expressed his doubts.

The room was then filled with clamor as each of them expressed their opinions. The Grand Alpha cleared his throat.

"We will not finish this if we will talk at the same time! Let us come down to consensus before my town turned to dust!" Alpha William firmly said, the other men stopped talking and once again were in attention.

"I agree." The Grand Alpha interjected
"Let's hear the plan..."

The Alphas listened as Theo lay out the plan. And everyone nod their head in agreement.

"I've seen the moon stone." Alpha Theo began nervously. All eyes were on him, both in confusion and doubt.

"When I was twelve, my father and our pack Elder went to the Sacred Moon Forest to send our prayers because my twin sister Thea was dying of a grave disease. We grew up together and I can't imagine my sister to just die like that. So, an idea struck me. When the Great Elder and my father was not looking, I took a bit of the Moon Stone, pulverized it and mixed it with my sister's medicine. I--I made her drink the medicine with the moon stone powder and it worked! Like a miracle, my sister was healed and not long, she's back in perfect health! It saved my sister!!"

A hush of accusations erupted in the room.

"You defiled the Moon Stone!! You disrespected it! You stole it!" one Alpha points at him angrily.

"My sister was dying!! She could have been dead eight years ago but the Moon Stone saved her and I am proud that I did it! It was for a good cause, and I took just a tiny bit, pea-size..." Theo defended at the men in the room.

"We will just take a chunk of the Moon Stone. Pulverize it and sprinkle to our weapons. Maybe it will save us just like how it saved my sister."

The men fell silent.

"Let's do this! This is our only shot. Grand Alpha, please delegate." Alpha William politely bowed to the Grand Alpha.

The Grand Alpha cleared his throat before he begins.

"We will need the fastest trackers in the land, Arthur Mills, Theo Thomas, Ken Edwards. Collect a chunk of the Moon stone in the Sacred Moon Forest. How long should we wait until you return?"

"With our rate, three hours Grand Alpha... " Arthur Mills estimated.

"Too long. Make it two hours!"
The men nodded firmly.

"Mikhael Redwood, Diego Summers, and Keith Michaels, procure all the firearms and weapons and bring them here."

"Yes, Grand Alpha!!"

"The other Alphas, gather your men in the grounds. Don't let them engage in the fighting yet. We will wait until the trackers comes back with the moon stone. This is to reduce our casualties. For the mean time, we will hold the beast down."

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