When Love and Hate Collides

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A spotlight was turned to Mona, she was actually breathless. The excited clattering before the announcement has ebbed. Only silence and bated breath.
He walked slowly towards her. His eyes were fixed on her, dark and dangerous. She don't like the feel of it yet his presence excites her. He stopped in front of her and offered his hand. She peered at his father and saw that he looked appalled.
"Mr. Bill Mayfield Sir, if you may..." Tristan broke the spell, her father was back on his feet and gazed at Tristan's hand. He smiled sheepisly as if a little boy caught stealing cookies in the cookie jar. He placed Mona's cold hand to Tristan's waiting hand, he then placed it in his arm then shakes hand with him.
"Thank you, Mr. Mayfield. I will take care of your daughter for all of my life and the next. She will be treated with outmost care and above all, she will be loved... " he uttered very slowly. His lines made her heartbeat quicken. She seek for Troy and he was not looking well. He looked furious but was restraining himself. Tristan slowly took her back to the stage. She saw the crowd's disapproving glare, especially that of Paula. They passed by Leizel James, the supposed-to-be fiancee of Tristan. What happened to them? She looks stunning as usual but it wont hide the sadness in her eyes. Did she cry? Did Tristan broke their bond too?? He looked at the man beside him and found him rather sexy, she scolded herself. Henry was looking at them as if he had ingested something foul.

Luna Miranda approched Tristan and murmured harshly in his ear "What's this madness Tristan?!? Have you gone out of your mind?" her gaze can pierce through a solid wall like concentrated laser beams.
"Maybe I am." he said mockingly. Seriously, what's wrong with him? Mona was racking her brains for an answer.

The Alpha steps up and applauded. He went into the mic and spoke in a very cheerful tone. "This is great! Just great! Everyone, our next in line, My son and heir, Tristan Jones and his enthralling bride-to-be, Mona Mayfield!!" he laughed then applauded, he seemed very pleased or maybe he was just acting. As of the moment, Mona is very confused. Everyone in the room followed with hesitant claps and conniving murmurs. Then the music played.

Tristan took her to the dance floor, never in her life she had been this close to any man, his heat radiating making her face blush. He placed his hand on her narrow waist and holding the other. He was looking down at her, boring holes deep in her head. Maybe trying to look into what goes on with her mind.
"Why don't you look at me?" Mona swears his voice is very sexy. She calmed herself before meeting his gaze.
"I am still processing what is happening to us..." she replied softly
"Isn't it clear yet. I choose you as my bride."
"You can't just do that!" she protested, she removed her hands from his touch.
"Yes I can. Now don't make a scene." he took her in dancing position again and they continued to sway in the orchestra's slow music.
"You are making a scene! Not me! What would Leizel say? Her family? Her feelings---" Mona rapidly said in hushed voice but Tristan cut her out. He suddenly pulled her closer to him, she can already feel his raging heartbeat and when she looked at him again, she saw fires of fury in his eyes. And disappointment?
"Don't you dare speak her name again!" he hissed harshly in her ear, Tristan is angry. She tried to push him but he is stronger he kept pinning her to him.
"Let go,Mr.Jones. You are not yourself. You have to think this over. Clear your head a little bit, don't drag me with your misery. I have been too many miseries before, I have no plans of adding to it." she told him, pulling herself away. Tristan hold both her arms tight it hurts.
"No lady, you will be my bride! You cannot reject me. No one will reject me ever again!" he hushed harshly on her face, he is dark with fury.
"Let go! You're hurting me!" she said
Someone grabbed Tristan's arm, it was Troy. Looking fierce and ready to fight, Henry emerged too.
"The lady said let go." Troy said, his voice threatening. They looked at each other's eyes, sizing each other up.
"Don't tell me what to do, Rogue!" He spat back to Troy using his very domineering Alpha tone.
He looks at Mona and lets go of her. Troy immediately grabbed Mona to him and they moved away from the curious crowd.

"Why? What's wrong with me? Have I done something wrong? Did I upset you? Am I not enough?! " Tristan glared at Leizel, his voice breaking. Tristan feels like crazy. Very crazy. He can't make sense what had transpired just before the announcement of their engagement. He feels dumb and broke at the same time. Leizel James, the girl he wanted to share his life with, wants to reject him.

Leizel asked him for a walk because the crowd in the Manor was suffocating her, as she said. Maybe she was gathering her courage to break up with him.
"I'm sorry Tristan. You are perfect. You are great man but I must break up with you... " she said in her lovely voice. "You did not do anything that will upset me, nothing at all."
"Then why?" he said, almost a whisper
"Because I'm in love with someone else... " she confessed, her head bowed down and her shoulders are shaking from her sobs.
"That is bullshit! You told me you love me! Have you not?" Tristan is yelling now. Good thing, the music from the party drown out his voice.
"I do. I do love you but ---" he did not let her finish.
"But you love someone else? How could it be?"
"I loved him even before I met you. I love him until now... " Leizel is choking with tears.
" You betrayed me!" he accused "I never thought you'll be a two-timer, Leiz. I looked up and respected you. Put you in the pedestal and yet, you have the guts to betray me??" he screamed at her. She just cried some more.
"No-no, Tristan. I did not betray you. I did not ---"
"And what do you call it? Huh? Loving someone else while you are my girlfriend? But you are not just my girlfriend! You are my mate!!!"
"Believe me, we stopped when I met you and learned you are my mate. We gave each other up to fulfill the mate bond. So I never really betrayed you."
"Still, you love him right? You did not wholly gave your heart to me because you love him!"
"I'm so sorry Tristan. I am so sorry..." Leizel is on her knees now, sobbing so hard it breaks his heart to see her that way.
"I will not do it. I won't let you go. Leizel, I love you so much. I have never loved this deep before and I will fall apart if you break the bond. " he pleads her.
"You have to, Tristan. Or else... " she stood up and meet his hurt eyes.
"Or what?"
" I'll die. Six years ago I made an unbreakable vow with him. Back when I was twelve, I already knew that he was the one for me. And I to him. We made it because we are so sure of ourselves, even when we were young, we knew that what binds us was love and it never changed until now." she explained.
"I don't care what people will say, and I am tired of following my family, their dictates on how I should live my life. This is my life! I wont let them dictate me now. This time, I will follow my heart. I will listen to what it says. And that is to break this bond and love the man I made a vow with freely and with all my heart..." she speaks sincerely and with conviction, her tears like pearls rolling in her perfect face. "And if you truly love me Tristan, you have to let me go..." she said this softly, inaudibly.
"That is so selfish of you Leizel... So selfish... " Tristan cried.
"Tristan, you are one great man and one day, you will lead our pack with pride. But I don't see myself beside you. You deserve a woman who will match your fire, your will and your strength. It isn't me Tristan... " she said as if coaxing him.
"Why can't it just be me? I promise I will be better. I will give you everything..." he begged, Leizel just shook her head.
"Tristan, thanks for trying but I can't tell my heart what to do, it has a will of its own. My mind knows that I am wrong but my heart screams I am doing it right. I have been in love with him since I was twelve and nothing has changed... I am so sorry. I really am. He is all I need."
"I love you so much it hurts like hell, Leizel. But I will do it. For you. All I want is your happiness, even if it means letting you go. Let's do it."
"Thank you. I will forever be grateful to you Tristan..."
"Let's do it before I change my mind."
He ordered, choking emotions in his throat. Then she began the chant, and with a heavy heart, he complied. Their bond has been broken.
"Leizel, I won't forget you. I will forever yearn for you." he said, touching her face.
"Me too. My wolf will never forgive me but it's okay. I know I can handle whatever the consequences be."
"Please be happy. And if ever he hurts you, please come back to me." Tristan said, still holding on to his last straw of hope.
"He will never do that. But if ever, I will... " she promised.
"You know, I want to be him. That man you willingly give your life to, the man who owns your heart. I want to be him..."
"You are different from him. You are fire and he is rain. But you will do well, you have the Alpha's blood in you. Everything will be fine. I wish you to find the woman you deserve. She's just out there waiting" she said calmy.
"I love you." Tristan whispered, she did not replied.
Tristan kissed her lips for the last time as a tear fell from his eye. He is leaning on her forehead. Breathing her in for the last time.
"One last question, Who is he?" he whispered with eyes closed. Leizel went in to kiss him on the lips, looked at his eyes and smiled. There was a sparkle in her eyes and her words seemed to dim his world.

"It is Henry. Vince Henry Madison. He is my man...." Upon hearing this, Tristan's world crumbled.

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