T W E N T Y - T W O

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Nicolas || Morgan

(April 26)

It's been 3 days THREEE!

Yes, clearly I could tell the passing of days

 What about 3 days?

THREE days since the guys know who YOU ARE

Oh goodness, this again

Yea this again

Why do you want to see me so much?



I mean who wouldn't

We've been talking for days, heck even months!!!

We haven't talked for like a month

I don't care, It felt like months

And of course I want to meet this mysterious Morgan

Why wouldn't you just tell me who you are?

What if you're still a 60 yr old pedo?


Well, maybe I don't want you to see me



That isn't an answer 

It is, in your dictionary

If you could use it I could to

because I know you wouldn't like me

You don't know that.

Besides we're already GSBFF

I know but-it's just I'm scared OK

scared of what?

I'm scared that you wouldn't like me

I'm scared of feeling rejected

It's cliche but I am

Vince and Dex has been taunting me for days

Saying how you look like this and that

Do you know that it's been driving me crazy that the girl I TALK TOO
Decided to tell my best friends first before me?


I've talked to you for months on end and I know what you're like

Weeks, we've only talked for weeks

Fine weeks on end

And if I didn't like you then I wouldn't want to meet you

What if I'm ugly

You could be my Quasimodo and I could be your Esméralda

Ok no- I know you're trying to be comforting and all and that just-

That just sounded weird

Damn it woman

I'm questioning my life as it is


Just don't

Ok then, I'll meet you

but given the fact that I already know who you are, it's more like you meet me


Anyone there?

Are... are you serious?

You want to meet or not princess?

Yes-yes I do Quasimodo

well then where should we meet up?

Notre Dame?

You betcha, Esméralda


This- I have nothing to say. 

I have this urge to like make an A/N for every single chapter I make, it's more like a habit for me and sort of like my pet peeve... 

Anyways enjoy the next chapters!

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