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(April 22)

Morgan rolled out of bed early in the morning. She did her morning routine per usual but lately, she'd been eager to get on her phone, to text a certain someone.

She smiled to herself. Never in a million years did she see herself texting away to a stranger who so happened to be the most popular guy in school. After all, it doesn't take an Einstein to put two and two together with the help of her best friend of course. You could tell that Morgan wasn't very well educated with those who were popular and those who were not. Besides, there weren't a lot of boys who were specifically friends with guys who's names were Dexter and Vincent. 

Her phone chimed. She glanced at its screen just to see that it was from Sidney, pestering her again. She hurriedly put on her clothes and went to get some breakfast. When she got to the kitchen, she sat down next to her A+ older sister. 

"What's got your tiny brain thinking," Sophia, her older sister, teased her.

"Nothing and I do not have a tiny brain." Morgan scowled towards her sister, and if glares could kill, her sister would definitely be dead by now.

"Yoohoo, stop it you too. World War 3 is not gonna happen today especially not in this house now shoo! Go to school and do something productive," her dear mother told them, as she supposedly 'shooed' them away.

Sophia had already gotten her driver's license, but she wouldn't have a car of her own until her 19th birthday and her dad already left with their car. Because of that, the two sisters were forced to take the public bus. 

"Ugh, I hate taking the bus..." Sophia complained.

"Hey, at least you have friends to sit with." 

"You have a friend to sit with too."

"Yea, I have a friend, not friends," Morgan pointed out, "it's singular not plural."

The bus screeched to a halt, snapping the girls out of their bickering. Sophia got on first, taking her seat next to her BFFs, it's plural. Morgan, on the other hand, wasn't as social as her sister. She walked to her usual seat that happened to be at the very back of the bus. Walking down the bus aisle was an everyday trauma she had to go through. Although the passengers weren't completely mean, they weren't completely nice either. Whispering here and there, and occasionally throwing paper balls.

She pushed her dark-rimmed glasses up her nose to adjust it as she clutched her books tightly to her chest. She finally reached the back of the bus to see what she assumed were Vincent and Dexter, then again Morgan wasn't well versed on these matters. Not wanting to stay standing on a moving bus, she quickly sat down on the only vacant place which was, thankfully, beside Sidney.

Sidney smiled at Morgan with the two boys acknowledging her presence. She sat down silently pretending to seem interested in the floor. Spoiler alert, it wasn't very interesting. Morgan was invisible before- well, that's what she liked to think- never seeming to long for attention or the approval of others. 

"Yo, Morgi the floor ain't going to swallow you," doesn't stop me from wishing,  she thought silently. Finally, she reluctantly looked up to be struck with the eyes of not only Sidney but Vincent and Dexter's eyes, assuming they were who they were. 

"Ah, girlie, that you?" Dexter said confirming Morgan's assumption. 

"U-um, I don't know what you're talking about." 

"Can't lie to us, stranger girl," Vincent piped in.

I looked at Sidney for help. At this point she could practically feel everyone's eyes on them. Not to mention that the whole bus had gone quiet, having the two most popular guys in their presence; and the shocking revelation that they were taking the public bus, so shocking... 

The two boys seemed to understand the pressure of the attention it had on Morgan. So with one- or two- glares, they sent the whole bus talking again.

Sidney sighed and looked at me sheepishly, "I told them."


"I told them the truth," she confessed.

"Yea, I'm not deaf. Heard you the first time," Morgan spat not before long, her hands flung to her mouth. Stupid sass, she inwardly scolded herself

Vincent chuckled with amusement gleaming in his eyes, "looky, looky, apparently stranger girl's sass is showing."

Morgan gave them a deathly glare, letting her hands fall to her lap. She eyed them before sighing, "fine, yes, I'm 'stranger girl' or 'girlie' or whatever you just called me."

Both boys broke into huge grins as if they had just won a million-dollar lottery. They looked at each other for awhile having their own mental conversation, while Morgan was busy shooting daggers at Sidney. Suddenly both boys nodded at each other agreeing on something, finally turning to face Morgan, who now seemed to be giving Sidney the silent treatment.

"Chillax, we won't tell your Nico boy anything," Dexter said while Vincent was nodding profusely.

"Why are you here anyway? I thought popular kids aren't supposed to be here." After finding out who Nicolas was with her detective bestie, she got a long lecture on the 'popular' crowds and the necessities you needed to know about them from Sidney.

"Your Nico boy is so hung up on knowing who you are that he asked us to help him find you, since you wouldn't give any details away," Dexter answered.

"Desperate boy had already collected data and somehow had gotten a record of girls named Morgan who were around 17-18 years old. The first thing we did was to go search on the public bus and so we stumble on your friend here," Vincent continued pointing at Sidney, "after a little chat, she spilled the beans on you and here we are now."

Sidney immediately lifted her hands up, "in my defense, I was doing it for you. You always complained that your life isn't exciting enough, so I spiced it up a little bit."

Morgan gave a her a menacing glare, but truth be told, Morgan knew there was some truth to her words. "Just... just don't tell the poor soul, I don't want him to know," she begged the boys who were smiling at her.

"What makes you think we would? He's going to flip knowing that we know who his mystery girl is," Vincent said, Dexter beside him agreeing.

Morgan smiled, in all honesty, she wasn't ready for Nicolas to see her. Despite the thought of him hopelessly searching around for her was tempting, she didn't want to accept the fact that maybe, just maybe he wouldn't like her because she was feeling things that she had never felt before. She wouldn't admit it but she was scared to death.


i was thingking about making another chapter before this but... i'm too lazy to change everything and i alrdy finished the whole thing in draft. 

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