Chapter 18: Part 2

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I sat in the plush chair in front of the vanity within my room. My reflection stared back at me, her eyes, eyes I had always thought a dull brown, now held an edge I found foreign. She was tougher; she was stronger; she had seen things. The girl, no, the woman, staring back at me was something I never imagined I could be, and yet here I was.

I was silent, lost in thought, as Leda carefully brushed my hair back to place in a low bun. I was wearing a plain white tunic over thin white pants that flowed around my legs. A finer edge of muscle could be seen under the lightweight fabric, a mark of my training. Thanks to the instruction from Ulric, I had cultivated my strength and stamina into a true swordfighter.

Growing up, I always pictured my future to be in a small, cozy home painting by the window with cats curled around my feet. I would bake cookies and treats on the weekends, and I would curl up and watch my favorite movies every night. It was the dream of another life, another girl. Since coming to Erivale, that reality had soon left me, and instead, I have a new future, a future I have to fight for.

All of the planning Soren, Ulric, Gerard, and I had completed over the past month was beginning today. It was being put in motion right now as I sat in my chair being prepped by Leda. Today was my Ceremony of the Gods.

It was late evening, and stars were just barely beginning to peek through the dusty blue sky. The aurora would be shining soon along with the moon. Tonight, was the spring equinox. Similar to the Winter Solstice Festival, the streets would be decorated for spring, and the citizens would be frolicking among them enjoying their time. This year the Spring Equinox Festival would last two days. The first, the night of the full moon and equinox, as every seasonal shift was always marked by a full moon. Tomorrow would be more festivities to celebrate the coronation of the new queen – me.

"Are you nervous?" Leda's voice filtered through my mind as if I was underwater. It felt so distant and garbled amongst my thoughts.

"Yes," I breathed out. "I should be fine, but this is the start of the beginning. Everything will change, again, after this, and I don't know if I'm ready for it."

Leda's comforting hands gripped my shoulders, and she stared at me through the mirror. "You are more than ready. You, my friend, will make a great queen."

I closed my eyes as a small smile curled my lips. I reached up to grab Leda's hand and gave it a squeeze in which she returned. So far, Leda was the only one of those who I cared about that was not aware of the plan, but I hoped to change that soon. I wanted her to escape with us, to feel pure freedom again.

Soren's arrival being announced disturbed the moment, and we gave each other's hands another gentle squeeze of encouragement and appreciation before I walked to Soren's side.

"Good evening, Amberleigh. How are you feeling?" Soren asked.

"A little nervous."

"It will be okay; the priests will stand vigil over you to make sure that nothing happens. This here is Halvor; he will help prepare you for the ceremony."

The older man gave me a low bow. "It will be my honor, your majesty."

It was silent as we walked through the palace and towards the large room, protectively housing the Tree of Souls. As the doors loomed ahead of us, I felt a small amount of confusion as we walked right passed the large doors. Instead, we went into a much smaller room that only had two satin pillows on the floor and a variety of glowing candles sitting on the floor in the corners of the room.

"This is where I leave you, Amberleigh. I wish you luck and that your eyes will be opened and your powers unleashed. You are strong enough to handle this."

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