Chapter 13: Part 1

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Breakfast with my parents, Guinevere, and Renatus was quickly becoming a common theme as my schedule began to ease away from my traditional lessons. These times always filled me with the most mental and emotional turmoil. I couldn't ignore their manipulation of the council, and Renatus outright scared me, but at the same time, I couldn't quell the childhood longing to be surrounded by family.

Today would be even more difficult. I could hardly look Heinrich in the eyes since Nealon's execution. He may not have been the one to kick the stool out from Nealon's feet, but I saw him as a murderer.

I don't think I will ever understand such a violent display of control, especially without a hearing. Nealon could hardly defend himself, and he wasn't guilty of any significant crimes. The only reason this action was even deemed significant was that it was associated with the resistance. A movement executing their right to freedom of speech none the less. But I guess they didn't have those same laws here, the rules here were much more outdated, and I didn't like it.

I had to stamp down these sentiments along with all of my other suspicions. There was nothing I could do about it now, and I still had much to learn before I could genuinely be making informed decisions on the policy here. But a little education would go along way, and soon I would be in charge and have the ability to change the laws as I saw fit. I would be able to make a difference.

These thoughts, along with my own self-preservation, were all that helped me get through political interactions with my family.

Today at breakfast, Guinevere sent me her usual glare as she sat down across from me. And then gave a broad smile to Heinrich and Luciana. "Good morning! How are you?" She cheered.

"We're doing well darling, are you having a nice time planning for the Winter Solstice festival?" Heinrich asked, taking a bite of his breakfast.

Guinevere's eyes immediately began to glow with excitement. "It's going amazing, it will be the best Winter Solstice Festival yet."

"What is the Winter Solstice Festival?" I interjected into the conversation.

"Oh! I almost forgot that this will be new for you," Luciana began. "The Winter Solstice Festival is a day of fanfare on the winter solstice. We have festivals on all of the solstices and equinoxes to celebrate the changing of the seasons. It's also a way to give thanks to the natural lands and the gods. The winter solstice is a big one because it also celebrates the new year."

"It's a time for all the citizens to have some fun. Especially this year, only the best musicians and performers are coming, and the decorations will be unlike ever before," Guinevere gushed.

"That's wonderful Guinevere, we're so proud of you." Luciana placed her hand on Guinevere's across the table.

Everyone continued to chat about the upcoming event, it was clear that it was quite the highlight of the year in Ithica. The main streets and squares in Himmelsk would be decorated for the season, and booths of games, shows, and vendors would be packed together to create one spectacular day. The aurora was also supposed to be extra special the night of the solstice, making the entire evening magical.

I had just set my glass of water down, barely paying attention to what was going on around me, when the tray of Renatus's magic pastries was sat in front of me. Guinevere was already happily chewing away, and I tried to hide my shock and mild disgust that she had consumed the mind-numbing treats. This was the first breakfast that the treats had made an appearance since that first night before the ball.

"Amberleigh, would you like one?" Renatus grinned at me.

"Oh, I don't know, I'm feeling quite full."

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