Daily Life

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4:00 am - Alarm sounds, I turn it off and jump out of bed.

4:15 am - Throw my hair up in some fashion (typically a ponytail). Brush my teeth. Put on a sports bra, workout pants, and sneakers.

4:30 am - Grab my iPod and Bluetooth headphones. Turn up the music and run out the door.

4:45 am - Fight Club Training

6:00 am - Run home

6:15 am - Shower, dress, and apply makeup for the day.

7:00 am - Try to wake up Mom. Open her curtains. Tell her about my upcoming day.

7:15 am - Grab breakfast, finish up any last-minute homework. Bring mom food.

7:45 am - Pack my bag, go and give mom a kiss. Walk to school.

8:00 am - Arrive to school, meet up with my friends

8:15 am - Class starts (it is another long day)

12:30 pm - Lunch

4:15 pm - Last bell rings, walk home

4:30 pm - Mom is still in bed, try to get her up. Take her breakfast plate away.

4:45 pm - Mom still not up. Do homework.

6:00 pm - Cook dinner, eat. Bring food to mom hoping she will finally eat. Clean up around the house.

7:00 pm - Me time. Hang with friends, watch TV. Whatever catches my fancy for the day.

10:00 pm - Time for bed. FINALLY!

Wash, rinse, repeat. This is my life. Well every now and then I grocery shop or pay the bills, someone has to do it.

And I am waiting. Waiting on my wolf to wake up and find her mate. She is there, I can shift, she just isn't ready for our mate yet and neither is my mates wolf. It always happens at different times for different wolves and it could be someone that you have known your entire life. A best friend, a foe. It is like one day both of your wolves just decide that they are ready to find each other and until then you are just stuck waiting. So, here I am waiting for Lily to be ready.

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