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🍂 Caelum 🍂

Solis wanders into the backyard and crosses his arms. His eyes dart from the new bean bag chair to the projector, then to me. He shakes his head and I roll my eyes.

"What happens if your girl doesn't show up tonight?"

"Evolet will show up."

He nudges the bean bag with his shoe and sighs.

"Come out with me and the boys tonight, I'll find you a beautiful woman to help you forget all about her."

"She'll come." I glare.

"How can you be so sure about that?" He raises an eyebrow. "She freaked out and couldn't give you an answer about her feelings. Perhaps you should consider the idea that she isn't coming. I don't want to see you hurt and we've worked too hard to establish ourselves in this business for something to go wrong now."

"Enjoy your night, Solis."

"Caelum," he grumbles.

"I'll see you tomorrow regardless of what happens. I won't destroy something I've worked so hard on."

"I hope you remember that."

"Goodbye, Solis."

Solis leaves the house and I return to setting up for our date. When she fell asleep on my shoulder, I had ample amount of time to decide my next move. I considered staying until she woke up but I knew she needed more time to think without the pressure of giving me an answer right away.

We talked about watching a movie I liked, but I also wanted a reason to hold her close, to feel her head on my chest and the warmth of her body radiate into mine.

I set up the projector outside on the grass and chuck some blankets onto the bean bag in case it's cold tonight. I wander into the house and empty the snacks into the bowls.

I put the bowls outside near the bean bag, then check to make sure I have everything. I want this date to reassure her that nothing needs to change between us.

There's nobody else I want, nobody else I need. I don't know how she crept up on me like that, but I'm happy I met her, regardless of the outcome.

Seven-thirty arrives and my heart wildly beats. I scan the living room to ensure there's nothing laying around. I lurk near the hallway and tentatively listen.

The doorbell doesn't ring, nobody knocks but that's okay because there's a million reasons as to why she could be running late. Despite what Solis thinks, I know she'll come.

When the doorbell finally rings, I take a deep breath and race to open it. Evolet's silky black hair is half tied up and she's wearing foundation to cover the lack of sleep from last night. She still manages to take my breath away.

She glances at the note in her hand, then at me.

"Hey, Evolet."

"I'm sorry I'm late."

"You don't need to apologise."

"I'm sorry it's taken me so long to make a decision."

She crumbles the note in her hand, but maintains eye contact. I can't read the emotion in her green eyes but the fact she came has to be a good sign.

"I realise I'm crazy for ignoring the red flags, but I'm also crazy about you. I don't like what you do, but I can live with it."

A smile encroaches on my lips.

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