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🌸 Evolet 🌸

Drinking before an event is a fine line to walk. Just enough to soothe the anxiety and sober enough you don't end up sick in the bathroom. I'll admit, it's a line I don't often walk well, especially tonight. It's the first major event I'm attending without Adam.

Adam isn't attending the engagement party which is a relief because I don't know how to act around him. We said we would be friends but who is really friends with their ex, especially one they wanted to marry.

I inhale a deep breath to calm my erratic beating heart, but it doesn't soothe the nerves or the bubbling anxiety brewing in the pit of my stomach. I don't want to answer people's questions about the breakup; I just want to forget about it.

Unfortunately, that'll never happen, especially with Clya's current opinion. I can't spend the entire night standing outside, I'm a big girl, I can do this.

I push the door open and wander into the winery which is covered with hundreds of white roses and vintage decorations. There's a good turnout of people which doesn't do anything for my anxiety.

Reagan waves as she excuses herself from a conversation. She yanks me into a hug and I squeeze her back.

"Congratulations! I love what you've done with the place, it's very beautiful."

"Thank you, Evolet."

"No worries." I smile.

"How have you been? We haven't spoken since Adam and I feel terrible."

"Don't stress about it, you've been busy with your engagement party."

"So how are you, though?" Her brown eyes shimmer with sadness.

"I'm great." I tug on a smile.

"Evolet." She frowns.

Somebody calls her name and she groans.

"We need to organise a proper catch-up soon."

"Sure." I nod.

Reagan reluctantly leaves to greet the guest who just arrived. I take this opportunity to escape to the bar because I'm too sober for this kind of discussion.

I rest against the wooden bar and wait for the bartender. I glance to the side and gasp as the man places his hand on the bar top. The chunky watch almost hides the lion tattoo, but I'd recognise that tattoo anywhere.

"Hey, Caelum."

"We need to stop meeting at bars." He laughs.

For a man I hardly know, I feel more comfortable now that he's here.

"Are you here for the bride or groom?"

"Groom, how about yourself?"

"I went to school with Reagan." I smile. "How do you know Bradly?"

"We work together."

"Oh, nice." I nod.

The bartender appears in front of us and Caelum turns to me.

"What are you having?"

"Champagne, please."

"For you?" The bartender looks at Caelum.

"Whatever beer you have on tap."

He grabs a bottle out of the fridge while I turn to Caelum. He's devilishly handsome in his black suit and blue tie, which almost matches his eye colour. The way the fabric clings to his muscular frame has me clutching the bar.

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