4. Tour's End

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Completing the circuit, the group came to the last door.

"Here we are on the last leg of our tour, but certainly not the least." began Emil. "Hope you find it cozy, 'cause this is where you guys' living quarters are. Let's dive right in."

A spacious kitchen welcomed the crew with a table in the center, brand-new cooking station on the right, and an area in the back with a couch and flat screen television. The walls were a cheery yellow.

"I love this color..." Leon muttered to no one in particular.

"It's pretty nice, isn't it? And check out these chairs."

Emil crouched down beside one of the chairs stationed at the table. After picking one up, he lowered it back down, but just before it reached the ground, it snapped back onto the floor.

"Magnetized." was his one-word explanation. He then rose to his feet. "Most of the stuff in this room is held in place by 'em. Gotta make sure things aren't floating around the place when we're in 0G."

"I was wondering–" Leon began.

"Go ahead, Rook!"

"–This ship has gravity, right? Is there any reason we'd need to use zero gravity? Not that I'm complaining or anything, I'd love to experience it for a few days just to see what it's like."

"Then it's gonna be your lucky week." Emil pointed a finger at him.

"Oh boy, as if it isn't already!" Even without the lack of gravity, Leon's spirits rose. He'd get to experience space just like the first star rangers did many decades ago.

"Quick question." The oddly familiar one smoothed dark, wavy bangs out of her face... or his face? Leon couldn't tell at this angle. The androgynous voice didn't help. "The Celestion crews were chosen by chance, yeah?"

"There's a coupla exceptions as you're no doubt aware," Emil winked, "not to mention the captains, but yeah, most of us are random picks."

"Right, cool. So, like, not to harsh the vibes, but I noticed that none of us except you and the captain are ranked higher than rangers."

"I almost ascended to corporal~" Allen spoke up.

"I know, Rox." The familiar one addressed Emil again. "I dunno, I kinda assumed we'd get stationed on each ship based on our experience and ability level."

That did surprise Leon when he first heard about the opportunity. Described by his old warrant officer as 'remarkably average in all abilities,' he never dreamed he'd be offered the chance to go to Neptune. No one from his base deployed to space in years. He hadn't even earned the star on his uniform yet. No way would he let such good luck pass him by.

"Huh," Emil pinched one of his curls, "that does make sense."

A click from the ceiling brought with it Captain Galhardo's voice. "Randomized crews are a key element of the Celestion Project. Though each captain, including myself, went through a series of tests to ensure our capability."

"Well, there you have it. Besides, as long as my brother's piloting, we'll make it back a-ok. Nothin' to worry about." In only a few strides, Emil made his way to the cooking area. "Over here we have a microwave, an oven, dishes, other kitchen-y stuff–Oooh, guys, I gotta show you something!"

He stuck his arm over the stove, to the confusion of Leon and most of the others, and to their horror, turned it on.

"That's dangerous! You're gonna burn yourself." warned Ranger Allen.

(GQ #1) Bon Voyage, Celestion-5!Where stories live. Discover now