Chapter 9

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Sorry for the late update! I have not given up on this story I promise! This is a little present for you guys since my birthday was this week. This chapter is a bit longer than usual to make up for the lateness.


"Well, that's a sight I'm not new to," Scott says.

What the hell was that supposed to mean? Did Scott and Blake have sex before? Ugh, I don't even want to think about it. But I wouldn't be surprised if they did because they're both gays. Seems the men in this prison are quite the manwhores. More reason for me to not get mixed up with this crowd.

Blake smirks at Scott, a sight that doesn't sit well with me given the current situation. I was still pinned to the wall against Blake's now naked body with another man just outside the stall watching the scene before him. Blake didn't even seem pressed to cover himself as he continued to stand there butt ass naked.

I slip out of Blake's hold on me when he began to say something to Scott. Somehow I was able to get out of his grasp while he was distracted and stepped past a smiling Scott who just let me pass by. Darting to the door, I hightail it to my cell making sure that Blake wasn't following me.

When I reached my cell I noticed that Kevin wasn't back yet from whatever it was that he was doing. I walked over to my bed and plopped down on the thin mattress.

Shortly after, Kevin returned to our cell. He was spotting a developing bruise on his cheek. What was more surprising was how he walked into the room with his head held high with no ounce of shame in him.

I stared up at Kevin's bunk above me contemplating my life. I have officially reached an all-time low. It can't get worse than this. In less than 24 hours I have been sent to prison, forced to live with a freak, harassed by multiple creeps, and have been led to question my very manhood.

What the hell is wrong with me? I wasn't even thinking earlier. I just let my body feel the pleasure from... another man. How did I even feel pleasure from that? From a man's touch?

I'm not gay. Right? It was just sexual frustration. I haven't had sex in weeks. Yeah, that's it.

Thoughts of beaming eyes looking up at me flashed through my mind. I shake my head to get these thoughts out of my head. I hate it when those memories come up despite all my best attempts of forgetting they ever happened.

Kevin shifts above me, a groan following the movement. Earlier I chose not to ask about the bruise or the man because I definitely don't want to get involved in any of that, especially if I would end up walking around with a jacked-up face or worse.

I guess it would make sense to get in a group for some kind of protection--I've seen enough prison shows to know that much. But I'm not going to rush it, I have to be careful with who I associate myself with. I don't want to end up with the wrong crowd.

But is there even a good crowd in a prison?

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I hate the sound of my alarm clock going off in the morning, but I hate even more the sound of an actual alarm blaring in the halls, forcing us to wake up from our precious sleep.

I consider just curling myself up in the thin sheets and never getting up, but don't get that much time to think about it before I hear a thump as Kevin jumps down from his bunk and follows the other inmates all going in the same direction in the hallway. I sigh before getting up, prepping myself physically and mentally before following suit.

We go through the same routine of going to the canteen and eating that godforsaken food. I sit with Quentin because he seems to be one of the only decent people in this place, but in turn, I had to endure sitting with Kevin and Benny again. They were not that bad, just annoying which I guess is better than the looks of either lust or anger from the other inmates. I could put up with being annoyed. I had to hold in a few snide comments, but everything was fine other than that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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