Chapter 3

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What the hell is wrong with me? Blushing like a schoolgirl after a man slapped my ass. I stomped towards my cell, desperately trying to clear my mind of all the new stress that was dumped into my life once I stepped through the doors of this prison. Finally, I saw my own clear cell door up ahead. I never thought that I would be this excited to go to my jail cell. What a strange world.

I jumped onto my bed, lying back against the rough sheets when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. A small, bright red box was seated at the foot of my bed. Eyeing the wrapped present, I carefully grabbed the box and looked for any sign of a note or tag indicating the giver of this gift, finding none. Should I even open it? What could be in it? I don't even know what to expect. What do inmates even give each other? It's not going to be a giftcard to St*rbucks or anything. Whatever, it's just a gift. There's no harm in opening it.

Boy, was I mistaken. My eyes practically popped out of my head when I saw what was in the box.

What. The. Hell.

I threw the box across the room, trying to put as much distance possible between me and that satan object. Who would actually do that? How did they even get it? Why would they? I tried to clear my mind and forget about the whole incident but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. The bright, sparkly blue dildo kept bombarding my thoughts. It was so realistic with veins and everything. But why me? I would never even use it, so who would gift me such a vile thing. I'm not even gay.

Deciding to put the whole situation past me, I quickly hid the box under my bed so Kevin wouldn't find out about it. That was the last thing I needed. i buried myself under my blankets trying to escape to a different life. Shortly after, I faded off to sleep finally able to take a nap for today.


"-n. -in. Fin, wake up." I immediately opened my eyes when I felt Kevin's hands grab me to give me a shake. Shoving them off of me, I turned away from him to regain myself.

"Don't shock me like that Kevin. And next time, don't touch me," I warned him. I don't like being touched by anyone really. Humans can be wicked beings and I wasn't going to remain a victim to their vile acts.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I looked up to see Kevin fidgeting with his hands, eyes downcast as he realised the mistake he made. Uncomfortable with being the source of such an uneasy child, I brushed past Kevin to regain myself and my sheets. "Why'd you wake me up?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, right," Kevin exclaimed and with that his entire demeanor changed into that of a giddy, carefree person that I had to stare at him to make sure that I was talking to the same glum Kevin from a few seconds ago. What is wrong with this guy? Something isn't right if you can change your aura in an instant. Warily, I listened to Kevin as he continued, "You slept through the bell. We have to go to the yard and do some field work. Cutting the grass and throwing away trash and all that jazz, ya know."

"Um, okay. Let's go then."

As we approached the double doors leading to the outside field, I saw the distinct bright light at the end of the hall, the light getting more blinding as we got closer to the exit. When we stepped out of the building, I was attacked by the wave of heat that slapped against me, engulfing us in the sauna known as the outdoors.

What the hell? California is supposed to have dry heat, not this stupid humidity. I hate when it's humid out; you sweat from just standing around. Why did I have to get caught when it was at the height of summer? I have no expensive, in ground pools to protect me from this sun without "my" credit cards.

I cringed when I saw the labor work that they had planned for us inmates to do today. Not that I was too snooty to do anything physical like this. I just haven't really done any exercise in a couple of years, so I'm not exactly in shape right now: my lumps and and curvy body are enough evidence.

I grudgingly picked up a shovel and got into the line formation that the prisoners were making beside this massive pile of dirt. Great now they have us in chain gangs as if we were in the 60s.

I began to get into the rhythm of my work as the beating sun sent its harsh rays upon our exposed bodies. They really left us in these coarse t shirts and long pants, expecting us not to pass out from this extreme heat. I wiped off the sweat that pooled on my face for the hundredth time in five minutes, placing my shovel down to take a slight break and examine my work. My shoulders slumped as I saw that I barely made a dent into the pile. This is going to be brutal.

"Hey, you there. Quit daydreaming and get back to work," a nearby patrol guard shouted. I jolted out of my thoughts and quickly grabbed my shovel again. This kills. A boy can't even take a minute to recover. Geez.

I glanced over to see if the guard was still monitoring me, but I caught sight of a lone individual, relaxing in a comfy chair in the shade away with his long, toned legs sprawled out in front of him and his muscular arms propped behind his head. Not only was he escaping this workload that was forced upon the rest of us inmates, he was also in the comfort of the shade. That snobby bloke.

I proceeded to stab the shovel into the dirt as I continued to stare down Blake. If only I could get my hands on him, I could show him just how "almighty" he really is.

That was when I detected an oasis nearby. A man briskly walked past me, holding a glass of heaven's gift to this world. The godly ice swished around in the drink, swaying as if it knew that I was watching after it. Sweat trickled down the rim of the glass, abandoned once it made contact with the ground.

I wiped the drool that formed as I continued to stare at the moving glass as it got farther and farther away from me. I could practically already feel the cold wetness soothe my throat.

Then the water was handed to another man and my nostrils flared when I saw the owner of the precious water. Oh hell no. That draws the line.

Unable to contain my anger, I throw my shovel aside, abandoning my work, as I storm across the field towards Blake. This b*stard will not get away with his royal treatment this time.

Oh no. What is Finn gonna do now? Probably just get in more trouble again haha. He doesn't ever learn.

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