Chapter 28

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Few Months Later-

For the past few months that dream of the Moon Goddess and I in that field of flowers keeps reoccurring, usually after a long or stressful day. The weird thing is that you would expect the dream to be the same each time right?


Each night we are in the same location and she calls me daughter or dear, but we always talk about different things, usually whatever was troubling me throughout the day.

It's the weirdest thing.

The dream always feels so real! I haven't told Lucas about it, mainly because it's just my subconscious helping me get through whatever my struggle of the day was.

Anyway, enough about my weird dreams.

My due date was seven days ago and I have become incredibly irritable. I'm tired of being pregnant! My whole body aches and I refuse to let Lucas leave my side. Kenna has been on edge too which makes me on edge.

Lets just say that I haven't been the most pleasant to be around...

At the moment Lucas and I are watching Tangled whilst I eat one of those big tubs of butter like its ice cream.

We make it to the part where Rapunzel and Flynn are in the boat looking at the floating lights when I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen.

A small gasp leaves me as the pain starts to grow more painful and happening more frequently when I feel a liquid run down my leg.

My water just broke.

My water just freaking broke.



I look over and his eyes are trained on the TV like his life would end if he blinked.


His eyes snap over to me as I start to hyperventilate.

"What is it? Are you okay? Deep breaths baby. Come on take some deep breaths."

I do as he says and slowly calm down. Then I remember why I was freaking out in the first place.

"My water broke."

Lucas proceeds to look at me like his brain just melted in his skull.

"Did you not just here me? My water broke. That means we have to get to the hospital stupid."

Lucas just keeps looking at me like an idiot which is really starting to tick me off.


That seemed to snap him out of it as he immediately starts to help me into his arms so he could carry me to the car.

As he places me in my seat a painful contraction hits me and I yell out in pain, grabbing Lucas hand so tight I hear it pop.

"Okay. Okay. This is happening. Let me grab your bag of clothes and I'll be right back. Don't move."


Lucas races back into the house and is back with the blink of an eye, pulling out of the driveway and races us to the hospital whilst handing me my tub of butter.

Not even three minuets Lucas is carrying me into the the hospital doors and placing me in a wheelchair as nurses and Doc race to prepare the Alpha suite for my babies delivery.

"Right this way Alpha. The room is prepared for you."

Lucas pushes me behind Doc as she leads us to our room. Once in said room Lucas helps me get on the blue gown and into the bed.

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