Chapter 18

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Lucas carried my all the way home, saying that I didn't need to exert anymore energy.

When we got back to the house we made turkey sliders with a secret sauce to put on top. The recipe is one Adaline taught me when I first started working in the kitchens.

After dinner Lucas held me close till we both fell asleep.



Scorching heat.

My body felt like it was being enveloped by flames.

A whimper fell past my lips as I tried to find Lucas in the bed.

Opening my eyes I found Lucas' side of the bed empty. A note on his nightstand drew my attention in and made me forget about the pain for a split second.

Good morning baby girl! I had to go to my office but if you need anything you can come get me. Kendra,Lenna, and Jorgie will be around too to help you with anything.

I'll see later this afternoon.


Standing was a real challenge but getting to the stairs was harder. The heat that enveloped my entire body was enough to make tears fall down my cheeks.

Walking into the living room I see the girls laying on the couch and on chairs watching a tv show called Grey's Anatomy.

"McDreamy and Mer are actual couple goals! Look at all the love in their eyes!"

I wanted to smile at my friends as they fawned over the characters but a loud gasp left my mouth along with the heat intensifying ten folds. Standing was no longer an option as my legs gave out, causing me to collapse to the hardwoods.

"Oh my! Are you okay Audrey?"

An agonizing scream shakes my entire body as the girls rush to help me up. The heat raging wherever their hands connect to my body.

"Oh my goddess! She's in heat!"

"Crap! We need to get her to Lucas!"

"How? If we touch her then it will only make it worse!"

A pained whimper escapes my tight pressed lips as the girls argue on what to do.

Jorgie decides to take control of the situation, using her Beta voice she commands the girls to fetch the Queen,Princess, and Lucas.


Barely able to get the words out the tears fall faster.

All I want is Lucas.


Lucas knows how to comfort me.

Lucas makes me feel safe and calm.

Lucas can help me through this all consuming fire, dancing beneath my skin.

A loud crash sounds from the stairway as a frantic Lucas dashes down the stairs and into the living room.

"Lucas. H-help me."

Lucas bends down and places my body in his arms as he goes to take me to our room.

Wherever Lucas skin comes in contact with mine, the fire disappears, leaving the sensational sparks.

Laying me down on our bed, Lucas moves his arms from me and the fire returns, warmer and stronger than before.

I can't control the pain filled scream that seems to shake the entire room.

Lucas quickly climbs into bed and places me in his lap, securing me in his arms.

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