Chapter Twenty Eight

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Slowly but surely the weeks began to blend together like they had when Soren was still living in the woods. The routine of her life had made living with the pack feel comfortable and normal. Both her and James had started sleeping together in the bed and Soren found her nights almost completely nightmare free. On the off nights she did get plagued by Grace in her dreams, or felt the onset of a panic attack, James helped her through until she could get to see Doctor Malek.

Talking to the doctor had become one of Soren's best decisions, and she gave all the credit to James for getting her there. Having another human to speak with, and one that was as kind and considerate as Doctor Malek had made her feel more at ease with the person she had become during her time with the pack.

With all the mobility back in her hand and able to walk comfortable, Soren had begun to use her bow again, shooting targets that James had set up for her behind the cabin. With every passing day her life felt more and more fulfilled. Her and James went to Pop's at least once a week, and she had now managed to try almost everything on the menu.

She loved spending time with Pops and getting mothered by Variety, who now came over often for tea. Not to mention that she had managed to meet lots of pack members in their outings into town, making new friends and interacting with members had brought her morale up tenfold.

Life was finally coming up Soren, and she sent her thanks up to the fates every night as she lay down to sleep next to her amazing mate. Sighing in content she laid back against the light grey comforter that now adorned the bed and looked at all the changes in the room. Not only was everything slightly less minimal, but it also held hints of Soren, in the small blue accents around the room, to her own clothes that hung in their half of the closet. When Soren looked around at the room, she had woken up in for the first time so long ago, she no longer felt like a stranger, but like she was home.

Going down the steps she spotted James asleep on the couch in the living room, a file placed in his lap and a cup of coffee sat on the table in front of him. The last week had been busy as the pack prepared to welcome twin boys, James had been doing paperwork and working with the family to ensure they were ready both financially and mentally for the children that were on their way. Soren hated to see how burnt out he had been but was in awe of the way he handled himself, and how dedicated he was to the pack.

Closing the file and setting it next to his mug, she went into the kitchen and began to make lunch. Variety had been showing her how to make her way around the kitchen, teaching her how to make simple meals so that James didn't have to do it all the time. She had fast learned that she loved to cook, and even more so to bake, and James complained all the time at all the weight he was gaining with each of her creations.

Settling on a simple lunch of sandwiches, she made one for both her and James. She nudged him gently when they were ready, waking him up to provide some sustenance.

"James, I made lunch." He groaned and sat up, rubbing sleep from his eyes and smiling as he saw his beautiful mate standing before him.

Standing to full height he pulled her in close and laid a kiss on her mouth, chuckling as she squeaked in surprise. She melted into him and he pulled her even closer, loving the way they fit together.

"Thank you, I'm starving."

She led the way to the kitchen island, sitting in the spot that had been hers since her first week in the house. They ate and then despite her protests, James had to return to work. Collecting the file that he had been looking over before falling asleep accidentally, he retreated into his office.

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