Chapter Nine

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Matthew Claiborne had never been one to be at a loss for words. As the future Alpha in training and then finally official Alpha of Colorado Pack, he had always been confident and popular, a deadly combination both in high school and now. He was well respected by his pack members and most importantly, by surrounding packs as he was known for his easy-going personality, but also his ability to run a pack like a well-oiled machine. His father had been a good Alpha, as everyone felt free to admit, but Matthew, Matthew was a great one.

Confident in his ability but not one to brag, Matt spent most of his time buried in his office, allowing his beta James to deal with most pack issues, dealing with the wolves one on one. So, when James had told him that pack members had smelled a humanclose to the boarders, Matt took immediate action. He could not allow anyone to get close, best case scenario it was a lost hiker, but worse was the possibility of hunters – humans that thought the world would be a better place if the wolves could just up and disappear entirely.

Ordering more frequent patrols and sending runners out to canvas the surrounding areas, Matt's heart had sunk when he heard of signs of dead animals, but no sign of the human. It could have only meant one thing; a hunter was nearby. Finally after weeks of no sign of the hunter, Matt had grown restless, he would head out with the patrols and they would find the hunter together, and kill him or her for good.

The day before he was set to set out with the patrols, James had come bursting into his office,

"You can't kill her." His eyes were frantic, and he looked like he had run his hands through his hair a million times.

"Calm yourself James, tell me what's going on."

"She's my mate," a growl tore through Matt's clenched teeth, "I ran into her in the forest, I don't think she's a hunter, I swear." James' voice had taken on a pleading tone and seeing the conflict in Matt's eyes he dropped to his knees before him,

"Please Matt, I've waited for so long, I've finally found her. She deserves a chance at least, a chance to prove herself." Tears were beginning to pool in James' eyes, Matt had never seen his Beta so broken, never seen him beg or plead for anything.

"A chance James, that's all I can promise." James gasped in relief, finally allowing a few tears to spill over, wiping them away as soon as they hit his cheeks, "If she's a hunter you know ill have no choice." Heart full of worry but glad to have a glimmer of hope, James nodded, he knew he could not ask more of his Alpha, he could not bring potential danger to the pack.

The next day Matt had gotten to lay his own eyes on the wild beauty that was James' mate. He got to watch as she threatened him with a bow, back steeled to the possibility of death. One thing Matt could admit was that she had gumption, he could not decide if she was brave or just stupid, but more often than not, they went hand in hand. Her hair was blonde and tangled, hanging in a waterfall of knots down her back. She must have been stick thin, but all Matt and his patrols could see were the furs that engulfed her form. Growling under his breath he could not help but feel relieved at the lack of wolf fur on her back, she was not a hunter. Hunters wore wolves proudly, every kill a trophy to show off.

Looking at her Matt knew that James was going to have his hands full with the pride filled creature before them.

"Are you not going to run or scream, Little One?" Matthew asked, cocking his head in waiting for her reply. She had not run or even flinched at his transformation, he knew himself and the wolves behind him were more than impressed with the human that had been destined for their Beta. She would make a great addition for the pack he was sure, at least once she had learned some table manners.

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