19. Coffee

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Why in the name of god was I doing this?

There was nothing wrong with my life; it wasn't like something was missing. I had my studies to concentrate on, and Sam to look out for, and June to talk to — I didn't need anything more than that, did I?

Granted, it'd been a long time since I'd gotten laid. Though, I'd never been one of those guys who couldn't seem to survive without sex. Maybe that's why I'd had more female friends in school; at least, they didn't find it necessary to exchange views on dick sizes every day, or whatever would be the equivalent of boys discussing bra cups. Still, I wasn't opposed to sleeping with someone either. Last time was this girl named Imani, who I'd met at a party, only that was all a blur, to be honest.

But June was right.

It would've been pathetic to avoid a chance like this because my ex-never-really-was-my-girlfriend passed away so long ago.

I was waiting for the girl in front of one of the campus's Starbucks — suddenly, it seemed like an unimaginative option. Convenient, yes, but mundane. I should've told June. She could've told me I was being a fool sooner and probably would've come up with a brilliant plan for me instead.

Relax, Nathan. It was only a first... meeting. Date was such a serious word. Was it a date? Maybe it was. Probably.

Yes. I definitely should've told June. Not that I'd have known how... How did you tell someone about something like this? Hey, you know what, I stumbled into a girl who broke her heel, and now I'm taking her for coffee. It sounded like something made-up, something that happened in Hollywood movies or the chick lits grandma used to read. I wish I could've just met someone like she and grandpa had. It would've been a hundred times easier.

I rechecked my phone. Although I'd been twenty minutes early, now that four pm was nearing in on me, I almost found myself hoping she would cancel on me. But no. Only a text from June.

June: Making noodles tonight — the healthy version. You eating with us?

Nathan: Not sure yet. Will let you know.

Even now, I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth. Why was it always so easy for her? She should teach me her secret.


Fuck. She was here. And I was looking on my phone. Nice move. Hastily, I put it away. "Charlotte," I said, wondering what the hell I was doing there and what the hell I'd been thinking when I asked her out. "You look... nice."

She did, especially now that she was smiling and her dimples showed themselves again. "Thank you."

Silence. I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt this nervous. She was just a girl. Just a girl. I talked to girls every day. It wasn't that difficult. "Do you want to go in?"

Another pretty smile, and she nodded. I opened up the door for her, because at least, I knew that was the polite thing to do, and followed her in. My mind was working overtime, trying to find something to say. "You're wearing heels again," I blurted out, noticing her shoes, different ones from last time. "Living on the edge, huh?"

She bit her lip, probably holding back a laugh. "Perhaps I hoped you'd have to save me again." I chuckled. She was funny. It hadn't been a one-time thing. This was something I could do. Joke about heels while waiting for our coffee — that wasn't hard at all.

We sat down at a table by the window; the sunlight fell on her face, making her eyes glimmer. She was beautiful, in a serene, unblemished way — and so far from Lena. Charlotte sat up straight, hands loosely in her lap, playing with the golden rings on her fingers, Lena would've slumped, legs far apart, taking up as much space as she could. Charlotte's hair fell to her shoulders flawlessly, Lena's would've been pulled up in a messy bun. She was wearing a simple dress, something Lena would never have done. No, it'd been jeans or denim skirts for her, but never dresses.

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