♕ XVII ♕

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"Have you any idea why he wants us back earlier than he previously stated?" My voice shakes with nerves as Gwen and I sit in the back of a town-car, our minds racing with reasons for our father's orders.

Harry and I were going about our business, enjoying the company of each other in bed, when Niall showed up out of nowhere. He banged on the door until Harry opened it, a disappointed yet not very shocked look was given to me when I came face to face with Harry after the knocking. I immediately grew angry at the sight of Niall, knowing that I had to go with him, there was no arguing him there. Harry and I said our goodbyes as I apologized profusely and honestly told him that I had no idea why I needed to leave on such short notice.

When Niall got me down to the lobby of Harry's building I already saw the row of town-cars waiting for us. As soon as I got into the middle town-car, Gwen was giving me a sad smile and a tight hug. She had been spending the weekend like I, in bed, only with her girlfriend in the comfort of the hotel. Liam had interrupted their time together with word that we needed to return to the palace, no explanation given.

"I have no idea." She mutters, her eyes focused on her phone screen as her fingers type away at a rapid pace.

"Niall, Liam, do you know?" Liam shakes his head and looks to Niall, who is sitting beside him, the two of them facing us.

"I don't know, your highness." He breathes out. "Whatever it is, it can't be good."

"You don't think he knows about Jay and I, do you?" For the first time Gwen looks utterly petrified, her eyes wide and hands beginning to shake. I grab her shaking hand in mine, giving it a squeeze.

"I don't know. It could be anything." I honestly say. If our father called for our immediate return to the palace it could be for any reason. There could be a medical emergency at home, a danger to our safety, a political uprising that we need to discuss, or it could be about one of us dating people underneath our status. "Let's just try not to focus too much on it, alright. There's no need getting worked up over this." I hold on tightly to Gwen, who looks like she's about to cry.

She's very strong, my sister. But like everyone she has her fears, worries, and stresses. Her downfall is her love for Jay. She'd do anything for the woman she loves, but that can be frightening with our position. I've only ever seen her crumble like this once before, and that was when her Jay had their first fight. Nothing else really gets to her, amazingly. If she's stressed, she keeps it in and deals with it alone. I admire her for it, but I know how alone you can feel dealing with those emotions on your own.

"Whatever it is, I hope there is a good reason behind it. I was quite occupied." My comment brings a small smile to Gwen's lips, as I had hoped it would. If there's anything that can get her mind off her worries, it's my love/sex life.

"Occupied, huh?" I hum in response, eyes never leaving the window, peering out at the passing city around us. "How was it? Was he any good?" There's a smirk on my lips, but I do little to answer her pestering question. "Come on, Mabel, you have to tell me something! Was he big? Oh I bet he is." I roll my eyes, seeing Liam and Niall smirk from in front of.

"It's not ladylike to talk like that, Gwen."

"Oh, who gives a fück." I roll my eyes at my little sister's fowl language, clearly not fazed by it at all. She's always been one to not care about posh language and perfectly sculpted manners, at least when she's not in the eyes of our parents or doing her duties as a princess. "So?" With a jab of her elbow into my side, she wiggles her perfectly sculpted brows. "How was it? I won't let it go until you tell me." My eyes shift to the two boys facing us in the back of the town-car, both of them conveniently staring out the windows or at their phones. It's a good thing they're both paid well to be discrete and they're friendly with us or else I'd never speak about this topic around them.

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