♕ II ♕

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Dinner can last anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour with our family and tonight it seemed as though the night would never end.

My father felt the need to share every detail of his day spent running around London addressing matters on behalf of the family and his various meetings with British political powerhouses. My mother, on the other hand, raved about her day spent with The Duchess of Cornwall drinking tea and gossiping about subjects I could care less about. My sister, Gwen, once she finally joined us for dinner, briefly told us of her busy day spent with good friend Victoria Beckham, in which the two women have plans for a joint fashion line coming out in the Fall. Violet told us about her studies and the new book she's reading, which my parents took great interest in, probably only because it couldn't fully amount to their days spent with such important people. And then all eyes turned towards me.

Aside from a brief meeting in the morning about foreign affairs and lunch with someone I can hardly even remember, I had done nothing but plan my escape. Instead of sharing all the gory details on how I plan to escape our palace and spend the night in the city without supervisor, I decided to stick with telling them of how riveting the new puzzle I'm working on is and about the new show I started watching on Netflix. My story received a few comments from my parents on why I'm still unmarried, how I need to get out more, and how I should be more serious on my future. In my defense: most men of similar status are knobs, it's hard to enjoy yourself on a day out with four personal guards watching your every moves, and I am very serious about my future.

By the time I made it back to my quarters it was already after eight. I spent some time watching more of the Netflix drama centred around close family friends of ours, gaining insight on what it was like for Queen Elizabeth II during the twentieth century. Not many get an accurate glimpse into the life of a royal, but The Crown seems to be pretty spot on.

Many, many years ago the "famous" Royal Family that you hear about whenever you speak of a monarchy took their rightful place as head of the royals in the United Kingdom. Our family, which has been around for just as long, took a step back to the other royal family. Actually I do believe that far down the line we're somewhat related, but that's a question for an ancestry professional and not myself. We oversee the same countries, yet have less power. After years of there being a significant rivalry between the two families a quote-unquote truce was drawn between us and we've been chummy ever since. In all honesty, I don't really mind the fact that we have less power, it's less pressure placed among my shoulders when it comes time for me to take the throne.

Among the many similarities we share, privacy and seclusion is one. I'm taking a note straight from Princess Margaret's figurative book and gaining freedom from myself. Only difference between her and I is that she was allowed outside the palace with guards as I am practically sneaking out on my own. Times have changed and I'm not sure I choose the wise choice of departure, but what do the kids say... YOLO?

When the clock strikes nine pm, I'm already chomping at the bit getting ready for my escape.

The wig fits snuggly over my plaited hair pulled beneath a hair cap and I brush it out to do it as I like. The clothes fit as they should and I can't help but admire what I look like in such casual attire, wishing I could wear something like this every day of my life. When I slide the cap over the wig I can still very well recognize the woman in the mirror, but I must say I am shocked by the slight difference it makes.

Never have I been allowed to dye, or even do, my hair drastically, it was actually very hard for me to convince my parents to get the ombre that I have now as classy and elegance is key in a royal family. Apparently it's not very presentable for a soon-to-be Queen to have a pixie cut coloured in the most obnoxious colour of pink you've ever seen; not that I'd want that anyway.

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