Tangled Thoughts

34 13 7

I scream, I cry out loud

I try to hide it inside
To hold it in
To let it go

And fly up the sky
for it to fly far away
where it can't be found,
Few strings escape
Leaving many behind

My strings only getting more-
My strings only getting more, tangled with time

I let my breath go on

I try to hide it inside

Yet my voice fails me

I try to talk like the norm

I try to talk with form

But all my thoughts and cries
End up tangled among the waves
Underneath the winds

I am here again with words

I am here again with voice

I am here again

I am here again...

Trying my best to hide

But nothing can hide it away from me

I try to drown them 

Yet they always manage to surface again

Why do you follow me?

Why can't I run away?

Why can't I hide again?

Why won't these tides wash me away?

December 24th, 2018

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