Chapter 20 | Before I Go To The Beach

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C H A P T E R  20

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C H A P T E R 20

I hadn't been to the beach in years and Gavin seemed to know the exact roads to take which meant he's probably been there a few times before. As we get closer I can hear the sound of waves crashing against rocks and I could only imagine what's beyond these apartment buildings as we park.

"So is this where you take all the girls you force into your car?" I ask laughing at my own stupidity.

"No, just the ones that annoy the hell out of me. The waves block out their voices." He chuckles at me and I flip him off before we start walking toward the boardwalk.

There aren't too many people at the beach today which was good because I didn't want to be around a lot of people enjoying their day out at the beach. Here I was complaining about someone else's happiness, the dark cloud above my head was growing again.

My converse sink into the sand when we finally reach the beach and I struggle as sand begins to fill my shoes. There goes Gavin already a mile ahead of me leaving me behind. "What's taking you so long?" He calls out.

"I guess I should have taken my shoes off before I decided to step in the sand." I tell him once he reaches me again.

Gavin rolls his eyes like I'm just making excuses and I can see he's holding back his words before he says something rude again. "Get on."

"What?" I let out a nervous laugh.

"Jump on my back." He replies standing in front of me with his back facing me. I stare at it like it's going to attack me or something but Gavin wanted me to get on that?

Don't mind if I do.

I step closer and he kneels down otherwise I would have never been able to reach. I put my hands on his shoulders and push myself up and then suddenly I feel Gavin's large hands gripping my thighs to hold me up. "There now was that so hard?" He mocks me.

"Shut it." I snap wrapping my arms around him for some sort of security. We walk closer to the ocean shore and once we get there do I hop off of Gavin and stare at the scene in front of me. It was amazing. I only wish I wasn't wearing leggings so I could stand in the water because I can't swim.

"It's nice isn't it?" Gavin says sitting in the sand. I nod my head and take a seat beside him.

"It's alright." I tease nudging Gavin with my elbow. We sit in silence for a bit until we start arguing about the color of the ocean. Gavin was sure it was green when it was clearly blue at the moment but I could never win with this one.

Gavin gets up dusting off his hands I suddenly feel a horrible pain in my eye. There was definitely sand inside there. "Ouch." I said holding one eye shut Gavin grabs my hands and helps me up.

"Did you get sand in your eye?" He asks.

"This is your fault you were dusting your hands and the wind-" I cut off my rant as the pain increases.

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