▪Chapter XI▪

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I had already changed into my normal clothes. As per my nurse, if she got the green light from my doctor, I would finally be able to leave the hospital. Three days laying on a bed with nothing to do but surf through the same five channels was becoming a little bit annoying. My nurse came striding into my room with a smile which definitely meant that there was good news.

"So Jadelyn, your test results came back alright, you're free to go home."

I sat up straight from the bed and stood up.

"My pleasure," I said as I grabbed my coat from the hook and joined my mum outside the hospital room.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked enthusiastically.


After a few more formalities; signing and paying, I walked out of the hospital, got into the car and drove away. Each and every word Liam told me kept lingering at the back of my mind. I still could not wrap my head around the fact that Logan might be a cold blooded killer. I needed evidence and proof to back up Liam's information. Above all else, I needed to put an end to Ricardo and my dad before Logan does it himself.

Before pulling up into the driveway I asked, "Mum, can I go to Hailee's house after? I have some catching up to do with my school work."

"No problem but be safe alright. I don't want to take another trip to the hospital, nonetheless the morgue."

I nodded in agreement at her morbid comment and went inside to take a shower.

I texted Hailee instantly to inform her that I used her as an excuse to get out of the house.

"Need to head over to Hexagon so I told my mum I would be coming over at your place, back up my story?"

It was not long before I got a reply.

"Of course I will, but please be careful alright, I hate seeing you in ugly washed out hospital clothes."

I chuckled and placed my phone back down on my nightstand.

I changed into some black skinny jeans, a dark blue top and my black leather jacket. I grabbed my car keys and headed downstairs.

"I won't take long mum I promise."

"Jade, please be careful."

By the time she was telling me to be safe and reciting the post-hospital regulations, I was already out of the house, slamming the door behind me out of habit.

I got into the car, pulled out of the drive way and raced away. I carelessly parked in the alley, images of Friday night flashing through my mind. I shook them away and walked to the elevator.

Upon reaching the base my heart sunk as the elevator doors opened. I no longer saw it the way I used to see it. All of its glory had died, it all looked strange and new. I no longer knew the people I was working with for half a year now, and that hurt the most.

I walked towards my desk, Lexi stopping me half way.

"Hey Basic,"

"Hey Lexi."

"Didn't see you on Friday or yesterday, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, minor headache that's it," I lied.

I looked towards Logan's office and saw that it was empty.

"Where's Logan?" I queried.

"He just left like 15 minutes ago."

"Any clue on when he will be back?"

"Umm nope."

I simply nodded and sat on my chair. I needed to get in contact with my father as soon as possible. Not that I was too ecstatic to see him, my father is literally the worst company I could be in.

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