Chapter 62

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Crouched over his unmoving body, I shielded him from the never-ending chaos that surrounded us

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Crouched over his unmoving body, I shielded him from the never-ending chaos that surrounded us. His strong chest no longer moved with each and every breath he used to take. The sound of his heart beat slowed, the sound that used to bring me comfort and peace stopped, the last beat ending to quickly. The last of his warmth seeped from his skin and onto me, warming me for the last time as his body slowly turned cold.

"Help me!" I cried out to anyone that could hear me. "Help me please!"

Though their leaders were dead, the rogues still fought, staying true to their aggressive nature. The pack was occupied with their own needs, the doctors no where near me. Clutching at his shoulders, I shook him, desperate for him to wake up.

"Please." I screamed, no caring that his blood was all over me. "I need you, you can't leave me! I love you! Please, I love you!"

Snapping my head up, I jumped up when the book I was using as a reference slid off the desk and slammed to the ground. The paper work had quickly piled up and I attempted to pull all nighters to try and catch up as quickly as possible. It wasn't like I was going to get any sleep anyways.

I now occupied the chair he once sat in, attempted to run what he left behind. The plush chair was too large for me, my small frame feeling like it was being swallowed by the cool leather. The vastly open room was cold and untouched, the books now collecting dust on the shelves. It was open and empty. I felt empty, alone. His presence no longer sat inside my chest, not able to feel him there anymore. Rubbing my empty chest, my shoulders shook with a silent sob.

I could no longer hear his voice everyday, something I had grown accustomed to without knowing. No longer could I see how his eyes would light up when he would see me. I missed his smile and the sound of his laugh. I missed the touch of his skin now matter how much it terrifies me to admit that I enjoyed it. The sparks, the attraction and pull I no longer felt because the bond was no longer there, he was gone.

I used to lie awake at night stare at the moon from inside my window, wishing upon it. When I was still at my birth pack, I would wish to leave, pray for things to get better. When I was with Master, I would beg for the torturous treatment to stop, plead to be able to escape. I would howl to the moon, singing to the Goddess to let the others go free, to let me die for their freedom. I would sing until my throat burned against the chain and the men would come out and beat me into submission for waking them up.

The nights where I used to lie awake in the middle of nowhere and pray from company, for a friend to come and help me. Hope that I would have enough energy to find a water source or to catch some food to eat. At that time, all I wanted was somewhere safe, where no one would be able to find me while I slept out in the open.

My wishful thinking never truly got me anywhere. Always, no hopes were given up because none of them happened, none of them came true. That is, until I met Orion.

He was strong, intimidating and absolutely terrifying to me when I first laid my eyes on him. He was someone that I spent my entire life running from; powerful people. Yet, he wasn't like anyone I had ever encountered.

He was kind and caring, always putting himself after me, as I was his priority. He used his strength to protect me, not using his dominance to force me to submit to him. He was terrifyingly attractive because I had no idea how to act around him, what to feel for him. He confused me, tested my limited. He sacrificed everything for me even though I didn't treat him the way a mate should treat their other half.

And in the end, he sacrificed himself for me.

I killed him. Yet another person to be put as a burden on my shoulders. Another dark crimson shade of blood to stain my hands with death. My own mate. The once who I was supposed to protect with my life as he did for me, is now gone. And I killed him.

I could have just as easily given myself up, turned myself over and saved him all of this trouble. All the deaths that I had caused could still be alive today. My mate, the other half of my soul, could still be here today, only just without me.

Now, I would reverse everything. I would take back ever wish that I had ever made just to have him back. Forever would I live through the torture that I had lived through just to have him live once more. Everything. I would give up everything for him. Trade my life in for mine because he sure as hell deserves it more than I do.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, pulling me back to reality.

"Luna?" His voice was muffled by the thick wooden door.

"Y-yes?" I croaked out, wiping my tears away.

"The ceremonies will be starting soon." Spinning the chair around, I turned my back to the door and face the window. Looking up to the sky, the pale, full moon illuminating the land with a soft light. I cursed it for taking away the once thing that was actually meaningful to me. Looking closer, I could see my broken reflection in the glass. My face was puffy from crying, hair astray and my eyes were dull and as lifeless as he is now.

"I will be there soon."

I have been trying to write this chapters so many different ways but none of them appealed to me as much as this one does. This one just speaks to me. If you read for details, you can see how her thoughts jump back forth, quite erratic, just as someone who had lost someone's thoughts usually are. It just seems more realistic and heart- wrenching as I wanted this chapter to be.

P.s. I'm very sorry if I made you cry.
There will be a few major twists in the next chapter.

Also, REBECCA IS NOT THE TRAITOR! I'm am not that obvious as an author and I thought you guys would pick up on that (;

Sooooo, early I accident had Blaire there instead of Rebecca so sorry for the confusion, my phone does stupid auto corrects xD

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