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Groggy and disorientated, Daisy lifted her head off the hard yet comfy chest of Seth and rubbed her eyes, trying to get a sense of where she was and what had happened.

She moaned in pain from the throbbing in her cheek, a reminder of the, no doubt, ugly bruise. But as the previous days events ran through her mind, her last memory left a smile on her face.

She was his? Why did that make her whole body tingle?

Daisy squirmed in his arms, only to brush her bare legs against his sweatpants clad leg. With widened eyes, she froze and squeaked in embarrassment, wanting to go away and hide in a very deep hole.

Suddenly the arms holding her tightened, forcing her closer to the very person she was trying to get away from.

"Why am I in bed with a tomato?" Seth groaned. He smirked and kissed her forehead tenderly. Heat rose further in her cheek when he rubbed his leg on hers, re-enforcing her embarrassment as she recalled the moment she scandalously stripped out of her pants right in front of him. Her mother would be so disappointed.

"Good morning," she whispered but then laughed loudly when his hand grazed her thigh in a teasing manner. "Stop. It tickles," she giggled hysterically as he wiggled his fingers against her skin.

Seth let out a husky chuckle, causing her stomach to bubble in a non-gassy type way. "You're cute."

"You so like me," Daisy teased with no idea where her confidence came from.

"Hmm. Maybe a bit too much," he smirked.

After a while of willing herself to get out of the cocoon of warmth and Seth unwilling to let her go, she eventually left the safety of his arms to brush her teeth. The worst thing about waking up next to him was having to be self conscious of her morning breath. When she finished, her cellmate brushed his teeth in the small sink they shared and then they resumed their previous position as if they couldn't bare to be apart for more than a second.

Which honestly seemed to be the case for both of them.

The bell hadn't rang so Daisy cherished the little time they had away from all the other prisoners. It was nice to pretend she wasn't trapped in a prison full to the brim with the most terrifying men. Only early in the mornings when it was quiet, could she close her eyes and imagine she was spooning with her boyfriend in her cosy little bedroom, looking forward to what they would do later in the day.

Oh goodness. Is he my boyfriend?

She opened her eyes and looked at Seth, who was smiling contently against her shoulder, completely unaware of her emotional distress. He had said she liked her twice and he often kissed her on the forehead in a, surely, not brotherly way. Would saying it a third time make them official? Why am I so inexperienced?!

Boy troubles should hardly be a priority in her list of worries considering the unnamed brute that tried to do unthinkable things to her.

Feeling her body stiffen, Seth asked in concern, "you okay?"

Her heart started beating faster the more she thought about the man. Nobody had told her anything when they saved her and she was in too much shock to form all the questions she wanted answered, let alone actually ask anything. "What's g-going to happen to that man? Is he going to prison?"

"Angel, we're already in prison," he replied softly.

"B-but," she struggled to form her words in her current state of worry and confusion, "So he's g-going to get a-away with it?"

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