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It didn't come as much of a surprise to her that waking up in Seth's arms would've been the best feeling she had ever felt. For the first time in a while, her dreams were filled with nothing but good things, fluffy clouds and dancing puppies, and she didn't doubt it was all to do with her handsome cellmate.

One of his hands were on her head and the other around her back, squeezing her tightly every so often, as she laid with her face on his chest and her legs tangled with his. A small part of her wanted to save some dignity and pull away from him as to not give the impression that she was the sort of person to fall asleep with random men she hardly knew.

However, the larger part of her didn't want to move an inch while she basked in his manly scent and muscled torso with his steady heartbeat singing her into another deep sleep. All of a sudden, his heartbeat fastened, causing her to open her eyes in shock. Daisy buried further into him to fall back asleep but it was impossible when his irregular heartbeat sped up even more.

She poked his chest, maybe a little harder than she should've done because his eyes flew open. Wincing, he let go of her head and rubbed the area with a scowl directed at her, but then closed his eyes again and lifted her up so he could nuzzle into her neck. "What was that for?" His voice was muffled against her neck, the vibrations making a shiver run down her spine.

"You're heart was beating faster. I-it was disturbing my sleep time. Shh shh." She said drowsily, now half asleep. After hearing no response, she peeked an eye open and because his face was tucked in her neck, she only saw that the skin on his neck was red. Daisy lightly blew on the area, assuming he was just feeling hot.

When the bell rung, her whole body jolted from the noise, feeling unprepared for it every time. Frowning, she poked Seth's t-shirt clad chest again and grumbled, "your fault," blaming him for her lack of sleep.

"Aren't you just a ball of sunshine in the morning." He said with heavy sarcasm, letting her go and rolling out of bed.

As soon as he lifted the covers away from her, Daisy's comfortable warm bubble popped from being exposed to the chilly air. With only a few slightly warm radiators in the hallway, her teeth began to clatter. She shuddered at the thought of how much colder it would be outside the prison.

After accidentally bumping her head on the top bunk, she slowly made her way out and stood beside Seth to roll her sleeves.

"Morning, little angel."

She felt a firm kiss placed on the crown of her head as she distractedly mumbled a "good morning," back.

Feeling herself being gently pushed onto the chair, she stared up at Seth with question. He didn't answer and instead knelt down on the hard floor and began to roll her pant legs up with concentration on his face.

Startled, she squeaked, "w-what are you doing?!"

He stopped and raised an eyebrow at her but then continued what he was doing. "What do you thin- Ah! F*ck sake." He suddenly yelled angrily as the pant leg unfolded again.

Daisy stayed silent, not knowing how to feel with, arguably, the scariest prisoner in the building kneeling in front of her. The fact that he made an extra effort to make sure they wouldn't fall down warmed her heart to the point that she had to subtly rub her chest in an attempt to calm her racing heart.

When he finished and the doors of the cell had opened, he stood up and coughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Wouldn't want you to trip." He said gruffly.

Knowing that any words out of her mouth would be unintelligible with her brain turned to mush, she just nodded quickly and let out a happy sigh when he turned around.

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