Chapter 4

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Carrying my bag of groceries, I stroll down the sidewalk illuminated by the soft glow of street lamps. Despite the lively atmosphere around me, with people laughing and celebrating the end of the work week, I can't shake the heaviness in my heart. Couples walk hand in hand beside me, but I've never felt more alone.

Entering my three-room apartment, I manoeuvre around the large hiking bag blocking the doorway, not bothering to flick on the overhead lights. Instead, I rely on the gentle illumination from the street lamp outside to guide me through the familiar space.

Setting the groceries on the dining table, I tug the string hanging from the fanlight above, casting a warm glow over the dimly lit apartment. The light reveals a clutter of clothes scattered about, hidden jewellery peeking out from beneath the haphazard piles.

With a sigh, I set about tidying up, gathering the clothes into neat stacks and restoring order to the space. As the last garment finds its place, I turn my attention to the paper bag on the table, retrieving one of the two bottles of wine nestled within. With practiced ease, I uncork the bottle and pour a generous serving into a nearby cup.

Sipping the rich red liquid, I begin to pack for the impending journey, following the list provided by Louis. The sun is on the brink of rising by the time I finish sorting through the scattered items strewn across my apartment.

With the better part of a bottle of wine in my system, I finally retreat to my bed, seeking respite in sleep. But not before slipping a few additional items into my packed bag. The following morning, as sunlight filters through the curtains, I regret indulging in the wine-fueled solitude of the previous night.

"Good morning...woah...Kamilah..." Louis's booming voice startles me as he arrives to pick me up, he's dressed like a zookeeper with parchment brown board shorts and a shirt of the same colour, he sure does fit the role of one better than an archaeologist. "Are you alright?"

Brushing off his concern with a wave of my hand, I deflect his question as we embark on the journey to the airport. Despite his persistent inquiries, I evade providing a direct answer as I nurse my wine headache. Upon meeting the rest of the expedition group at the airport just after immigration, Louis's demeanour shifts from relaxed to aloof. I notice the change but opt to remain silent, captivated by the stunning appearances of our companions.

Doctor Amanda Fuller has flawless creamy skin, her eyes are a sparkling blue complimenting her long wavy back blonde hair, not to mention her figure is that of a movie star adventurer, dressed in shorts and a tight white singlet with the same zookeeper-like shirt on her shoulders, any model in the world lose to her based on looks alone. I don't even have to mention her accomplishments.

Amongst the men, two out of three of them are tall, muscular and handsome beyond natural reason and after a brief introduction, I find out that the one with blond hair, emerald green eyes and god-carved muscles is Oliver Parks, and the other muscular, tall and adonis looking male is Fredrick Monetary; an addition to our group and the one other male who is not buff or muscular like the two aforementioned ones, has lanky long brown hair and large framed glasses that magnify his soft brown eyes is Jamie Kensington.

Once we get clearance to fly, we are quickly seated in the pressurised aircraft and we leave Washington D.C. The reality of the journey ahead weighs heavily on me, overshadowing any excitement I may have felt initially as we pull out of the tarmac.

Reaching cruising altitude, I contemplate how to entertain myself while the others engage in a game of poker nearby, hesitant to join them, I peek down the aisle in search of Louis who I find sleeping a few rows in front of me. Deciding that I should let him get his rest, I lean back into my plush leather seat with my eyes closed as I consider the ways I can occupy myself.

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