- Chapter Twenty -

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Alina stared at the man before her with confusion. Was she suppose to know this man from somewhere besides their rough encounter near the place she was taken from?

Alina cautiously shook her head in denial. She had no time for this, she wanted clothes that fit her right away. It was uncomfortable being in front of a man with a simple towel wrapped around her. Her cheeks blushed a tad bit, however she ignored her naivety and waited for the man to speak. It was clear to her that he didn't know in what way to confront her.

Kaeden had been ignoring the fact that Alina stood before him in close to nothing but a towel. He had been around many women but she was quite a beauty... Just like how he remembered her as a kid.

Kaeden blew out a nervous breathe and said, "The gossiping ladies never knew you had left that day until my father discovered you gone."

Alina's eyes widened. It had become clear as to why he felt so familiar in her gaze. He was the boy who had helped her and Isaiah escape. But "father"? Was he related to the late alpha servos? To Damien?

Alina schooled her features and stared at the man before her. Was he helping his brother in using her? Obviously since he had helped with her capturing.

"N-name?" She pushed out through her burning mouth.

"Kaeden. Kaeden Servos, second son of the late alpha Servos."

Alina simply nodded. That much, she had deducted herself. Now for what he came for, because surely it wasn't to reminisce the past.

Alina cleared her throat and pointed her index finger at him and then towards the door; a clear, yet silent command. Leave.

Kaeden shook his head. "My brother doesn't very much trust me. He believes that I will help you in your escape once again. I want to say that I don't regret helping you, but this time around... You're on your own."

Alina stared at him, lost at what to feel. She didn't expect anyone to come to her rescue. But it somehow saddened her that she was once again all alone.

Alina smiled sadly in understanding. He had himself to worry about. He's a man now, all grown up and with a mind of understanding consequences. If he were to aid her in escaping, he'd be left to fend off an angry alpha and his subordinates. He'd surely be killed for treason.

Kaeden stiffly nodded and turned to leave.

Alina watched him disappear from behind the door and heard the click of the lock. Alina looked into Damien's closet once more and started rummaging through his things. She won't allow him any satisfaction in humiliating her.


A deep frown marred Damien's face as he stared at Alina. Alina had found a large long-sleeved shirt that she had slipped on and tied around herself, turning the shirt into a dress for herself. He had expected a show from her, her fighting and demanding to not come downstairs due to the lack of clothing. Yet there she stood, head held high.

Damien ignored the dissatisfaction and gestured for her to sit besides him, on his left. The table was filled with the important pack members and they all stalked Alina with their curious filled eyes.

Alina silently followed orders, however she bristled at the thought of being pushed aside. In a pack, the leader's left side was weak due to the selfish organ beating on that side on one's body. A heart, or having an emotional soul, was seen as weak in powerful packs such as Damien's.

Alina was not weak, she was strong. And she was determined to show them all. It is time that she waited for no one to come to her rescue. Alina was thrown into a pack of vicious wolves and she shall come out with her lifeline still intact.

Dinner was quickly being served with a large plate with a dead deer's body being placed in the center of the dining table. Alina stared at the creature with horror. Visible bit marks were spotted around the deer's neck, proof of the hunter's adequate hunting skills. Blood oozed out of the punctured holes, indicating that the Nirmal was freshly caught. Alina stared at the wide eyes of the deer and hoped that whatever escape plan she comes up with won't meet with a similar ending.

Damien, as alpha, ripped the first flesh off of the deer's body and took a bite, savoring every taste that came with fresh bloody meat. Alina forced her bile down and refrained from joining in on the feast. She even noticed Kaeden eating with his pack.

The loud munches and moans of delight sickened Alina, yet all she could do was gulp down her water. Even then she wondered if the water was clean or not.

Damien noticed Alina's lack of appetite however he ignored it as he could care less. In his mind, he has won countless battles and he'd soon be building an empire with the help of his newfound mate.


A/N         Posted: 5/6/18

Had to babysit a newborn and a two year old yesterday...... Definitely helped me determine that I'm not looking forward to having kids. Abstinence is my best option for life.

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