- Chapter Two -

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- Chapter Two -

Alina poked the wolf with a stick she had found near her bare feet and waited for the beast to stir awake. She knew that the beast won't blindly attack her again but she still feared the animal. He was chasing her and about to eat her not too long ago.

Alina watched silently as the wolf stirred awake after she poked him for the fifth time. The wolf opened its eyes and lazily lifted its head slowly. He looked around until his eyes spotted Alina on his left, standing defensively and holding a stick with both her hands in front of her. Alina saw amusement flash through the wolf's eyes. Signifying that he won't attack her. She hesitantly lowered her stick and smiled softly at the wolf.

Alina stood up straight and patted her dirty dress in attempts to look presentable. She stuck her hand out and gave the wolf a toothy grin. "Hi, my name is Alina." She introduced herself knowing full well that she can't get rid of the manners that she was raised to follow.

The wolf barked out in amusement and stood up. He walked closer to Alina's small hand and licked it as his way of shaking hands with her. Alina cringed and yelled out "ew!" The wolf gave her a wolfy grin and turned around. He collapsed right back onto the ground and laid his head onto his front two paws. Alina crossed her arms over her chest and walked over to him. She stopped right in front of him where she can see his eyes closed.

"Hey! I know you're a person too." She said arrogantly. "My papa would turn to a wolf and give me rides on his back." The wolf opened his eyes and stared at the young girl in front of him. He noticed a small, sad smile on her face with tears in her eyes. The wolf sat up straight and looked down at the girl. He was amazed at how tough and wise she is. He cocked his wolf head to the side in a silent question asking the nine year old what happened. Luckily she understood and answered him.

Alina looked down and began playing with her hand nervously. "Bad wolves attacked us..."

Rouges, the wolf thought to himself. Rouges must've attacked her pack. Alina must've ran away and probably became the sole survivor of her pack. He pitied the young girl and felt guilt crawling up his spine. Was he part of that attack? He pondered over that question again and again as Alina continued to silently reminisce through her past memories with her parents.

Until they both heard a loud growling sound. The wolf immediately circled Alina in a defensive position as he waited for the intruder to come out.

Alina stared at the wolf and began to giggle. The wolf looked back at her in confusion. Alina smiled shyly and pointed at her stomach. "I'm hungry."

Realization sparked the wolf as he noticed how skinny the young girl was. He wondered how long she's been out in the woods and for how long has she gone without food or water. The wolf crouched low and gestured to the girl to hop onto his back with his head. Alina silently obeyed and climbed onto the wolf. Pulling and kicking, she lifted herself onto the wolf's back and waited patiently for the wolf's next move.

The wolf slightly shook his fur in relief, he no longer had his fur being pulled, and began to jog to a nearby lake. He sniffed the air and stopped to hear his surroundings. The air smelled fresher and he felt the humidity in the air. He could hear the soft flows and splashes of the lake nearby. The wolf quickly ran faster, causing Alina to circle her arms around the wolf's neck. Although she couldn't completely wrap her arms around the beast, she still held onto his fur tightly.

The wolf passed through various sized bushes and maneuvered around the large trees that seem to touch the sky. He marveled at the feeling of this moment. He no longer felt lost, lonely, or feral. He came back to his peaceful self and all thanks to the young girl riding on his back. The wolf silently vowed to always protect to young pup, Alina, until his last dying breathe.

The wolf slowed to a stop when they have finally reached the small clearing of the lake. The wolf lowered himself to allow Alina to climb off his back. She carefully slid off and ran to the water. She kneeled down onto the floor and cupped her hands under the water. She brought her hands, filled with dripping water, up to her mouth and drank it gratefully.

The wolf ran into the water and when his paws barely touched the floor, he began to shift into his human body. Alina, standing by the woods watched, mesmerized, at the wolf. This would be the first time the wolf ever shifted in his human body since he became rouge.

The wolf let out a few whimpers here and there as his bones realigned themselves. Yet the shift was taking longer than what he remembers. Probably because his bones ached during the process. Cracks of the muscles were being heard loud and clear. Alina watched with horror as she saw bones sticking out in odd places and moving about beneath the skin. The wolf's soft whimpers were deafening to the young girl's ears. The shift was agonizingly slow, but it was soon coming to its end as the fur and canines retreated back, seemingly to magically disappear in front of Alina's eyes.

What once was a large feral-looking wolf, now stood a lost-looking man without any clothes to cover him. Luckily he was deep within the waters to cover his lower half. The man faced Alina and gave her a shy smile. One which Alina returned.

Alina took in every detail of the man before her. He had dirty blonde hair that was matted and dirty, a clear sign that he hadn't bathed for a long time. His eyes were brown and held a new light to them. A light that hadn't been there before. His face structure was thin and sharp. His nose wasn't too large or too small, it fit his face nicely. His upper lip was thin while his bottom lip was a bit fuller. His body structure is thin and held no significance. This man seemed that he hadn't cared much about eating during his feral episode. The edge of his bones were visible on his upper body. Especially his collar bone. It was sharp and held deep dips in the skin.

Alina didn't like the way the man looked. He seemed so weak and frail. She silently wondered if she had lost weight in the few weeks that she has been on her own.

The man knew he didn't look great, but looking at the pity within the girl's eyes felt like a punch to his face. The little girl knew better. She was wise enough to figure out that he didn't eat as much as he should have during the period he had gone rouge. Only a few deers here and there but that wasn't enough to keep healthy.

The man smiled and with a deep rough voice, said, "I'll catch us some fish."

Alina simply nodded and went back to drinking water.

Before he could dived into the water, he turned to Alina and yelled out, "By the way, my name is Isaiah."

Alina smiled at the man, which he returned before turning back around. She finally knew his name. But her smile dropped while she stared at Isaiah diving into the water. He's naked and would probably shift back to his wolf. Alina stood up and looked down at her torn dress. She couldn't rip a piece and give it the the man. Her length of the skirt is too small for him.

Determined, Alina began to look around. She will find a huge leaf for Isaiah to wrap around his waist. With a determined nod, she went off into the woods, leaving an oblivious Isaiah in the lake.



Posted: 7/4/16


Sorry I took long to upload a chapter. But I got stuck on how to proceed :p hehe

But I'm on track now! So the next upload would be here soon! (Not saying when because I never end up uploading anything on said promises)


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