Chapter Twenty Four

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I stare at my reflection in the mirror, and yet the girl staring back at me was a stranger. My blue eyes were once lit up in adventure, happiness, love- and now they stared back at me like dull orbs glued to my iris. My expression had gone from curious to heartbroken, to an even more excruciating degree than when Jake and I broke up at the end of the school year last year.

I blink at the mirror, just to be sure that the reflection was really me, before I heard my mom call my name from downstairs. My gaze breaks away from itself in the mirror and I grab my backpack beside my bed, then head down the stairs. My mom stood at the bottom with a smile on her lips, one that I got accustomed to her wearing, and my dad stood beside her.

"Have a great first day at school, sweetheart," Mom praises with a sweet smile, and then gives my dad a look.

"Stay out of trouble," He says gruffly: his attempt at being kind.

I nod at the both of them and then wordlessly head out the door, grabbing my car keys on the table right before I slip out. Ever since I had gotten back home for the rest of the summer, my parents had been strangely kind to me. They went from barking rules and relentlessly strict to giving me space and letting me choose what I wanted for dinner. It wasn't perfect, but it was a start.

I drove to school with the radio playing softly, but didn't pay much mind to the music. I was busy  trying not to think about a certain boy who changed my heart over the summer, and the effort took the entire car ride, until I pulled into the schools parking lot. I got out of my car and slung my backpack over my shoulders with a sigh, looking up at the hellhole that I would have to endure for another year.

One more year. That's all I needed to do: survive one more year.

The day drags on without me paying much attention to classes or other students. I never had many friends at school, because I was always too involved with piano to have a social life. The few friends I had were because of Jake, and now that we were broken up, I don't think they would go out of their way to still be friendly to me.

It was my senior year, and I didn't have any friends. And honestly, I can't say that I minded much. This year, I would keep my head down, get good grades, and then ship myself off to college, whether it be Juilliard or somewhere else. But of course, this was all easier said than done.

"Amelia!" Someone called as I wove through the strings of people in the hallway, intent on getting to the cafeteria.

I turned around and saw Gabby, one of the popular girls in my English Lit class. We were acquaintances before, when Jake and I were together, but she hadn't looked my way ever since we broke up. She looks out of breath from chasing me through the halls, and I see annoyance clearly sparking in her eyes, but she covers it with a fake smile. I eye her suspiciously and warily, unsure what was to come out of this interaction.

"Hi Gabby," I greet hesitantly, boredom lacing my tone. "What did you want?"

Again, her annoyance flares in her features, but she keeps the sickly sweet smile on her face. "The new kid has been asking about you all morning. I don't know why," She mutters the last part before looking at me brightly again. "So, how do you know him?"

I frown at her, confused and exhausted. "What new kid?"

She frowns back at me, clearly unamused that I didn't know whoever she was talking about. "You know, the super hot one? Anyway, can you help set me up with him? I tried talking to him, but he kept just asking about you. I think we would be really cute together-"

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