The Winter Ball

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That morning Scarlet got an earful from her parents about cutting class the day before, but Scarlet didn't care. She was barely listening. Too many things were on her mind.

Stuffing the thermos of tea and the muffin in her backpack, she sped out of the house and down the driveway. As expected, Hunter wasn't waiting for her. She was grateful for it, wanting to enjoy the peace and quiet of her walk.

Scarlet's mind was full of girls. Hunter. Wolf. Hunter and Wolf. Hunter and Scarlet. Scarlet and Wolf.

The sound of an engine in the distance set Scarlet's heart leaping, but it was clearly a car and it was getting further and further away.

Why am I so excited to see her? It reminded her of the early days of her and Hunter's budding relationship. She'd get high off the excitement of attending one of her soccer games just for a glimpse of the blonde dashing down the field.

"Hey Nana," Scarlet said, dropping her backpack to the floor and taking her usual seat at her grandmother's usual table. "How are you feeling this morning?"

Nana smiled and reached forward to wrap Scarlet in a warm hug. "Hi my dear," she said, releasing Scarlet and holding her granddaughter at arms length. "I'm quite well, how have you been?"

Scarlet considered lying, but she remembered to speak her truth and said, "Not great, to be honest."

Nana's eyes widened. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Scarlet shook her head. "No nothing..."

Nana's gaze floated over to where Wolf and her grandfather usually sat. "Did something happen with—?"

"No," Scarlet said quickly, waving her hands back and forth. "I just... I was wondering..." Scarlet didn't know how to ask this, so she blurted it out. "Would you love me no matter what?"

Nana blinked. "Of course, dear."

"No matter what," Scarlet emphasized. "If I committed a crime? Stole something?"

Nana suddenly looked worried. "Did you—?"


The old woman let out a sigh of relief. "Yes, of course, I would love you anyway."

"Murdered someone?"

Nana raised a white brow. "I'd be very concerned and worried. I would assume you did it in self-defense. But yes, I would continue loving you."

"If I loved a girl?" Scarlet held her breath, watching Nana's expression as if her next heartbeat depended on it.

Nana watched Scarlet curiously. "I would love you, and I would love whoever you loved too," Nana said after a moment. "I would love anyone you love, even if it's another girl." She then added, "And... so would your parents, dear."

"You think so?" Scarlet asked, surprised to find she was crying. She touched at her cheeks, drawing her fingers away to see the wetness on them.

"It may take your mother some time, but she'd come around." Nana drew her into another hug. "Come here, dear."

"I love you Nana."

"I love you too, Scarlet. No matter what."


Scarlet realized she had left her hoodie at Wolf's house. Wolf's garage. Wolf's... whatever it was.

I can get it back later. She still felt naked without it, but had opted for a slightly warmer jacket today. It was getting colder the closer it got to winter. Ugh, winter. It meant one thing: The Winter Formal was coming up soon.

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