The Hunter's Axe

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Scarlet's lips parted. "What?" She blurted. Fear pierced her like a poisoned arrow straight to the heart. It spread throughout her body, adrenaline filling her veins as her body begged her to run away from the danger that was about to unfold.

Hunter appeared beside him, her hand instantly grasping onto his shoulder. "Logan what are you doing?" Hunter glanced down at Scarlet, her brow furrowed. "Hey Redmond," she greeted Scarlet by her last name, pretending they didn't kiss every morning and every night.

Scarlet stared at her. She knew why Hunter was pretending, but there was something about it in that particular instance that felt like a betrayal. "Um, Hunter," Scarlet started, but Logan interrupted her.

"I heard you've been hanging out with that lesbian Wolf," he said, straightening and peering down at Scarlet with a cold gaze. He was pretending to sound lighthearted now, like he was just playing around. "Heard you were fondling her on her motorcycle this morning."

Hunter blinked, looking between Logan and Scarlet. "What are you talking about?" She asked him, tugging his shoulder again though he didn't budge. "Logan?" She looked at Scarlet again, a crease forming in her brow.

Everything in Scarlet's body felt like it was encased in ice. How had he seen them? And now Hunter was going to know she had gotten a ride from Wolf.

Logan shoved his finger in Scarlet's shoulder, causing Hunter to spring into action. She forcefully tried to pull him back, both hands gripping his arm. "Hey," she snarled, tugging at him in vain. "Enough of this, Logan. Leave her alone."

Logan spun around and glared at Hunter. "What, you're going to defend this dyke? Do you like her or something?"

Hunter immediately shut up, turning into a meek, kicked puppy.

Satisfied, Logan returned his attention to Scarlet. "You gonna stare at my girlfriend some more?"

It was apparent that Logan didn't really think Scarlet was gay, or that she had been checking Hunter out, Logan just wanted to bully someone. Scarlet was just the unlucky target.

"I wasn't staring," Scarlet said, voice quiet. She caught a glimpse of Wolf striding towards them, her face set in stone.

Filled with new vigor, Scarlet smacked his finger away from her shoulder. "Don't touch me, moron."

"What's going on here?" Wolf growled, stepping near Scarlet. "What are you doing, Logan?" She glanced at Hunter, who had a helpless look on her face. "And you, Jacqueline. What are you doing?"

"You came to save your girlfriend, I see." Logan laughed, a booming sound. "Redmond is hardly a replacement for Hunter, don't you think?"

What does he mean by that? Scarlet wondered, her eyes flicking between Wolf and Hunter, who both seemed to pale at Logan's comment.

Silence fell upon the cafeteria, and Scarlet was immediately aware of how many eyes were watching now, how many people would hear Logan accusing her of being gay. Her life was over.

Wolf's eyes narrowed. "Is your dick really so small that you have to bully a defenseless girl to feel big and powerful?" She asked, grinning at the dumb look on his face. "What are we talking here? Two inches?" She held up her hand and moved her pointer finger and thumb closer together, then laughed a deep laugh that echoed throughout the cafeteria. It was a fake laugh, but it was effective.

The boy started towards Wolf. "I don't normally hit girls, but you don't really count do you?"

"Logan," Hunter snapped, though she was careful not to grab at him this time. "Can you chill out? I'm bored with this, just leave the lesbians alone."

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